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israeli pioneer

Menachem Zur: Pioneering Through Perseverance

A modern-day pioneer, Menachem Zur grew up in Beit El, located right near the site where Jacob saw a ladder reaching the Heavens with angels ascending and descending its rungs. The vision was an apparent reminder for the Hebrew Patriarch that Divine Providence would help him persevere as he left the Promised Land. Menachem can … Read more

Shoshana Bloch: From the Valley to the Judean Mountains

Growing up in Los Angele’s San Fernando Valley would broadly categorize Shoshana as a Valley Girl. But that term, a cultural stereotype of youth focused on affluence, materialism, fashion, and beauty, stands in stark contrast to Shoshana Bloch. So how did an American young woman from LA turn into a pioneer living in an isolated, … Read more

Mina Brody: Ambassador for Samaria

Mina Brody grew up in a secular home in the sleepy agricultural community of Migdal, known as the birthplace of Mary Magdalene. Migdal was a small pioneering village then. Mina spent her childhood surrounded by farm animals, raising chickens, and caring for her family’s many pet cats and dogs. There is no doubt this environment … Read more

Sandy Bloom, Bet Yatir

Sandy Bloom, raised in the US with a love for Israel, spent the year after high school  on a kibbutz. She studied Bible, worked in the fields, and grew to love the people of Israel. The year was 1973 and when the Yom Kippur War broke out, the crisis made her feel especially connected to … Read more

Yochanan Eliyahu: Giving back to Israel

Acts of kindness do not exist in a vacuum – they transform the world. Believing in a child, helping him become a better version of himself, can set in motion a chain reaction of success, gratitude and more giving that, step by step, will make the world a better place.  Yochanan Eliyahu was born in India … Read more

Rachel Noach: Finding Her Purpose

 Rachel Noach grew up in Bet Hagai, a small community in Judea. In her childhood home, prayer, observance of Biblical values, and Zionism took center stage. Her childhood was magical and innocent, with summers spent playing outdoors, barefoot, using the entire community as one big playground. But just beyond the small, pastoral neighborhood, were extremely … Read more

Shmuel Junger: Rooted in Samaria

Shmuel Junger didn’t know it at first, but looking back, it’s clear that living in Samaria was always God’s plan for him. Today Shmuel lives with his wife and four children in Zufim, a community in Western Samaria, but his journey there was long and winding. Shmuel was raised in the coastal city of Netanya, … Read more

Shu Rimel: The Power of Community

All of us have experienced tragedy and loss. Whether it be the passing of a grandparent, a parent, a sibling or close friend, or, God forbid, a child, loss catches up with all of us eventually. Often during this time of immense emotional upheaval, we feel overwhelmed, but also wholly and profoundly alone. Consumed by … Read more

Rabbi Benjy Myers: Building Community

  It’s hard to move houses or towns. Even harder to move countries. But Rabbi Benjy Myers doesn’t see it that way, when reflecting on all the places he’s lived and all the countries he’s seen. To him, every stop along the way was just that – a layover, a stepping-stone leading him to Israel, … Read more

Chaim Livne: Leading by Example

Chaim met Naava as a teenager through the religious Zionist youth organization Bnei Akiva. Their early lives paralleled each other: both were raised in New York and both were very active in their respective Bnei Akiva chapters as counsellors. In fact, in 1974, they were both counsellors at a Bnei Akiva summer camp where, “coincidentally”, … Read more