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As we Remember All Those We Lost

There are two different kinds of sirens in Israel.  An urgent rising and falling sound warns of an attack and is the signal to flee to the nearest bomb shelter or safe room.  A mournful steady sound is for remembrance. 

The Meaning of Chanukah – Then and Now

As I write this newsletter, we have just learned that the IDF has launched a military campaign to identify and destroy a series of tunnels along Israel’s northern border that have been dug by Hezbollah to enable them to invade Israel and wreak terror and destruction.  We must constantly be vigilant against ongoing threats to our lives and our very existence as a nation. 

You are saving Lives in Nofei Nehemiah!

As I drove down Route 60 one night, otherwise known as the ancient Path of the Patriarchs, my heart filled with joy. This is the Biblical Heartland, where Abraham first received the promise of the land! And it is truly growing with modern communities. Every group of twinkling lights means another part of the prophecy is being fulfilled,another neighborhood is growing in Judea and Samaria. As I travelled down the road and looked up at the mountains to my right, I rejoiced in one of the smallest of these communities: Nofei Nechemia!

Shaarei Tikva – Keeping Families Safe.

While the community continues to mourn the loss of their security chief and dear friend, they know that if he were still alive he would discourage them from letting one act of hatred stop them from following their God-given purpose. He would encourage them to build another house, hold their babies close, and tell their loved ones that they love them.

The Israel-Palestinian Conflict In the Face of Constant Condemnation

Sondra at the Lone Oak Tree in Gush Etzion

I am Jewish and my Jewish identity is key to who I am.  It is key to what my nation is and it is key to the existence of Israel.  We will not apologize for being.  We will not apologize for defending ourselves.  We will never tire of the attempts to seek peace with our neighbors but in so doing we will never deny who we are.  I am Jewish and I am proud of it. And if there are those who hate me because I am Jewish, so be it.  I will not apologize for who I am.

Hometown Celebration

In Karnei Shomron everyone gathered outside the Community Center, dressed festively in blue and white, the colors of our dear flag. Standing under the night stars, the ceremony began.

Israel and Iran ~ March 7, 2012

Prime Minister Netanyahu just completed a very important visit to the US.  He addressed AIPAC, the important pro-Israel lobby organization, and met with President Obama.  Commentators have seen Obama’s speech at AIPAC as very pro-Israel, although some have questioned whether that was a function of pre-election strategy.  But the overriding issue of this visit was … Read more

UNESCO, Gilad Shalit, Iran – November 8, 2011

These past few weeks have included a number of significant events, seemingly unrelated, and yet all bear watching for their inevitable affect on current affairs in Israel. In early September, Mahmoud Abbas began the process of obtaining UN recognition for a Palestinian State. Just a few days ago, UNESCO voted to accept “Palestine” as a … Read more