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biblical heartland

Murder is Murder is Murder

A person who takes a gun or explosives or a knife and seeks out victims whom he doesn’t know, who have not harmed him in any way, who do not threaten his safety and security, and who murders those people in cold blood — this is a horrific crime that has no place in human society. This is murder and there can be no understanding and no acceptance of this act.


The senior center will be open every morning so that seniors have a place to go, rather than staying home alone. The community has already designated a building for this wonderful center, but they have no funding for programming and activities. The community is now turning to you, for help with the cost of lectures and creative workshops for the seniors. This gift will improve quality of life for Rachel and others like her living in this rural community. It will give them reason to get up and out of the house each day.

Aliyah in Practice – Fulfilling Prophecy!

This is what Israel is all about. We have come from the four corners of the earth to build one nation, one country. Our enemies say the Jews should go back to Poland. But we are not from Poland, nor are we from the United States nor from Yemen. We are from the Land of Israel.

Reflections on the News


I see now with my own children, that news is very much a part of our lives. They live the news. When the government was threatening to give away Gush Katif, my daughters LIVED the news, making their way to a community in Gaza, being some of the last people to be pulled from the synagogue as the army took over. Maybe the news is such a part of us because Israel is ours. Maybe it’s because we’re so small and vulnerable. Maybe it’s because we care so much.

Becoming a Proud Woman of Israel

Shoshana, (3rd from the left), receiving the Immigrant of Excellence award, together with her school counselor and ministers of education.

The Ofra immigrant students are extremely motivated, ready to take root in their new beloved homeland… ready to soar. With just a little help from you, we can ensure that these girls become proud young women of Israel.