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Shabbat Shalom

I had been speaking to Christians about Israel for many years when one of my Christian colleagues suggested that I share Bible teachings on a weekly basis with our Christian audience. I was rather surprised at the notion that Christians might be interested in regular teachings on the Portion of the Week from an Orthodox Jew. Today, I can safely say that my weekly Bible teachings, both in print and in video, have met a demand that we are only just beginning to appreciate. I have found an honest quest for understanding and knowledge among my many Christian friends.

For centuries, Jews have read the Torah portion each week and have focused family discussions and Bible classes around those particular Scriptures in Jewish communities all over the world. As a Jew I have taken this type of study for granted. Through my encounters with Christians who share the same Biblical text but who have not been privy to the same traditions, I have come to realize how rich our tradition really is. I would like to share this tradition with you. Below are links to my comments on each Torah portion. Every Friday we send out a short bible teaching by email, if you are interested in learning more, I encourage you to browse through the links below and sign up for our Friday email.

Shabbat Shalom,

Sondra Oster Baras
CFOIC Heartland
Karnei Shomron, Samaria, Israel







I had been speaking to Christians about Israel for many years when one of my Christian colleagues suggested that I share Bible teachings on a weekly basis with our Christian audience. I was rather surprised at the notion that Christians might be interested in regular teachings on the Portion of the Week from an Orthodox Jew. Today, I can safely say that my weekly Bible teachings, both in print and in video, have met a demand that we are only just beginning to appreciate. I have found an honest quest for understanding and knowledge among my many Christian friends.

For centuries, Jews have read the Torah portion each week and have focused family discussions and Bible classes around those particular Scriptures in Jewish communities all over the world. As a Jew I have taken this type of study for granted. Through my encounters with Christians who share the same Biblical text but who have not been privy to the same traditions, I have come to realize how rich our tradition really is. I would like to share this tradition with you. Below are links to my comments on each Torah portion. Every Friday we send out a short bible teaching by email, if you are interested in learning more, I encourage you to browse through the links below and sign up for our Friday email.

Shabbat Shalom,

Sondra Oster Baras
CFOIC Heartland
Karnei Shomron, Samaria, Israel






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