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                                                                                Die Bedeutung von Schawuot / Pfingsten   Liebe Freunde, Wir haben gerade das Fest Schawuot, Pfingsten, … Read more

Israel is an Independent Country!

I am getting tired of foreign interference in internal Israeli politics. I realize that there is a long history of foreign interference in Israel, particularly from the US and Europe. These countries can be counted among Israel’s strongest allies and for that reason, their interference is often the most potent. But what we are seeing today has crossed all lines.

Naso (To Carry/Appoint) – Numbers 4:21-7:89

Thus shall you bless the children of Israel, it is to be said to them: May G-d bless you and keep you, May G-d shine His face upon you and be gracious to you, May G-d turn His face to you and grant you peace.

What is Pentecost?

Pentecost is a little-known holiday in many Christian denominations. Its connection to the founding of the church from the Book of Acts is well-known but in fact, Pentecost is rooted in the Hebrew Scriptures.