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The Price We Pay for Caring

What an emotional roller-coaster! Last Sunday and again this past Saturday, we waited with baited breath to see which hostages would be released and what they would look like. It had been more than a year since the last hostage release, and no one knew what their condition would be.

Vaera (And I Appeared) – Exodus 6:2 – 9:35

Welcome to the last portion of the book of Genesis! On the surface Portion VaYechi may seem less exciting than the ones from the previous weeks. But as one dives deeper there are whispers of prophecy and hints of mysticism to be found.

A Week in Washington D.C.

The experience of participating in what could be one of the most pivotal moments for Judea and Samaria left an indelible mark on me. I want to share with you, my friends, the highlights of this extraordinary journey.


                                 Liebe Freunde, Die Schwelle zum Jahr 2025 bietet uns eine wertvolle Gelegenheit zur Reflexion und zum Wachstum. Während Rosch Haschana unser jüdisches Neujahrsfest markiert, haben wir auch die Chance, gerade jetzt aus der Hektik des Alltags auszusteigen und sinnvolle … Read more