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A Rose Among Thorns

Palestinian Hovel

In just one afternoon, I’d fallen in love with the strong pioneering attitude of the residents, the winding roads and lush greenery and bright homes, and the magnificent sunset panoramas of Einav. It is a place so vital to the pumping heartbeat of the Biblical Heartland, and a place well worth protecting.

Do you want to visit the Holy Land?

Do you want to visit the Holy Land?  I can remember as a child dreaming of a visit to the Land of Israel.  In those days, it was such a far-fetched idea, that it seemed as realistic as flying to the moon.  I still remember my very first trip to Israel, the incredible rush of emotion as the plane touched down at Ben Gurion Airport.  As the palm trees flashed by the window, I was unable to stop the tears flowing down my face.  My heart was so full and I hadn’t even stepped foot off of the plane yet!  Even today, I still get that same rush of emotion every time my plane touches down on the runway at Ben Gurion. There is nothing like coming home to Israel.

Nahala (Inheritance) – Summer 2019

nahala summer 2019

In recent years, terrorism has reared its head again and again in the Hebron Hills region. So many people have been murdered, leaving their families and their communities

Hearts in the East

Before I made Aliyah, I used to hear lots of American Jews repeat the same Hebrew saying: libi b’mizrach v’anochi basof hama’arav. Translated, it means, “My heart is in the east, but I am in the west.”