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Rebuilding in the Wake of Destruction

Perhaps we are the generation who will, finally, put an end to anti-Semitism, to hatred within the Jewish people, to intolerance and bigotry.  Perhaps we will be the ones leading by example, teaching others how to counteract baseless hatred and come together in love. Perhaps we will be the ones to build the Third and final Temple.  Perhaps we can bring an end to the loss. Perhaps.


[:en]Through CFOIC Heartland, you have the opportunity to express your support for that message in a way that other Christian Zionist organizations cannot give you.  By supporting the work of CFOIC Heartland you are directly supporting the needs of the people of Judea and Samaria, and you are expressing support for the idea of Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria.  When you financially support a project in Judea and Samaria, or you join one of our tours, or connect your tour with our Judea and Samaria visits, or bring a speaker from Israel to share their heart, you are physically standing with us in Judea and Samaria.[:]

Connecting Generations to the Bible

This week is one of the most enjoyable weeks of the year for me.  Each year, thousands gather in Gush Etzion, at the Herzog College in Alon Shvut, for a 5 day Bible Seminar. Herzog is a religious college which began as a Bible School and then expanded to include a full range of academic … Read more


Beste vrienden, Ik besef dat het nog maar Juli is maar ik denk dat het niet te vroeg is om al aan Oktober te denken. Voor Joden is dat makkelijk. Na het einde van Shavuot (Pinksteren) een paar weken geleden is ons volgende feest eind September als de weken van de najaarsfeesten beginnen met Rosh … Read more