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News From the Land

thank you with kids

The Thanks Belong to You!

A few weeks ago, we held our first annual CFOIC Heartland Conference of Judea and Samaria communities. This was a dream of mine for some time — to gather together in one room the representatives of all the communities we work with as well as the various mayors, to share experiences and ideas and just interact with one another.

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Ordinary People can do Extraordinary Things

The world is in crisis. The COVID19 pandemic has not only not gone away but in many places, including in Israel, the situation has become more serious. While draconian measures helped ensure that the spread of the virus would be maintained at relatively manageable levels, the economy suffered immeasurable harm. And today, as the economy has begun to open up, we are witnessing the rise, once again, of the numbers of those infected.

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I was a child in the US in 1967, but I remember vividly the excitement that we all felt when Jerusalem was liberated. And the talk in my house, school and synagogue, was all about the new / ancient places that Jews were now free to visit – Hebron, Shiloh, the mountains of Judea and Samaria. But the excitement was immediately muted by widespread international criticism of Israel for “occupying” Arab territory.

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Bridging the Distance – Connecting to Israel

For those of you who wanted to come and visit with us, or are seeking a more intimate, direct connection to Israel and to us, the people of this wonderful land, we created this film for you.  We can’t visit with you in person but we wanted to stay in touch.

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ISRAEL: The 72 Year Miracle

There are many statistics that I love to remember on Israel Independence Day — that we are the only western country with a growing birth rate, that we are the only western country that has more trees today than we had 100 years ago, that we consistently rank as one of the countries with the highest happiness index, that we have one of the best air forces in the world — imagine that only 72 years after that rickety four-plane group.

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Yom Haatzmaut – Israel Independence Day 2020

This year, Israel Independence Day was different. Our synagogues have been closed for weeks and our prayer gatherings are limited to just a few people standing on a street corner. There were no public gatherings, no popular singers on public stages. We stayed home and yet looked for ways to mark this special day. Israel

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Corona in Israel

As we approach Passover, we are reminded of the first Passover the Children of Israel celebrated in Egypt:  “And you, no man should leave the door of his house until morning and the Lord will pass to strike Egypt… And he will not allow the destroyer to come to your houses and strike.”  (Exodus 12:22-23)  May G-d protect us all, and keep us all safe from this terrible plague, as we remain in our homes, reminding ourselves of that first miracle Passover thousands of years ago, praying for redemption.

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Third time Ice cream!

There is a popular saying in Israel: “Third time ice cream.” When you meet someone for the third time within a short period, you get ice cream to celebrate that third meeting.  Or at least, you talk about getting ice cream. Well, on Monday, we all met again at the polls, for the third time

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Thousands of Women Gather in Jerusalem to Celebrate the Talmud

On Sunday I participated in an amazing gathering of women to celebrate the completion of the 7 1/2 year cycle of the Talmud. But first, a bit of background about the Talmud.    While Christians and Jews share a love for the Hebrew Bible, the Tanach, Christians are not usually familiar with the Talmud, a huge

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