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We’re Having a Wedding!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016 I was chatting with Kim Troup yesterday by phone and she mentioned to me that the news coming out of Israel was just consistently bad — terrorist attack after terrorist attack, a massive manhunt to apprehend the terrorist who murdered two people in a Tel Aviv night club and a third … Read more

Uniting with Israel against Islamic Terrorism

Tuesday, December 1, 2015 Yesterday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed an international conference in France and, after expressing his sympathy for the people of France following the recent terrorist attack, said the following: “Both our peoples have long and bitter experience confronting terrorism. This is not surprising, because Israel and France have in common precisely … Read more

New Beginnings at the Heart of Benjamin

Fall 2015 Deep in the heart of the Benjamin Region is a place where every child is accepted. It is a place where the special-needs child comes first, and gets the care and attention he or she needs and deserves. It’s a warm and inviting place, which exudes love and acceptance. It is the “Heart … Read more

Solidarity with Israel Today

November 3, 2015 As I was driving home from meeting a group in Har Bracha this evening, I heard an interesting news item on Israeli radio. Walmart, the giant American department store chain, was selling costumes for Halloween last week, including a costume of an Israeli paratrooper. When pro-Palestinian customers got wind of this, they … Read more

Facing Terrorism, Again

October 8, 2015 Let’s start with the good news.  It rained today, a bountiful heavy rain, all over the country.  First rain of the season!  It is customary in Jewish congregations all over the world to pray for rain on Simchat Torah, the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles.  Even congregations around the world … Read more

Thank you for making a donation to help families in Samaria.

 Here is how YOUR donation is helping families: Recently Miriam, a social worker from the Samaria Regional Council, phoned a single mother of five small children.  During the conversation, this mom shared that earlier that day she had been to the food market to pick up a few staples for her kids, nothing fancy, just milk, … Read more

Those Who Dare to Speak in the Name of Morality

September 1, 2015 This month, I would like to share with you a wonderful article that was published in Hebrew in a weekly newspaper that I read faithfully, Makor Rishon. The author is Dr. Shalom Rosenberg, Professor Emeritus in the Jewish Philosophy department at Hebrew University. He is not only a highly-respected philosopher but a … Read more

Summer 2015

Getting Them Back to Work Ten years ago the people of Gush Katif were brutally uprooted from their homes. Their homes and greenhouses were destroyed. Businesses were gone and jobs lost. After months of wandering, most of the people settled in temporary housing. But the road to recovery was a long one. For most of … Read more

The Dangers of Extremism

August 4, 2015 This is a very difficult time in Israel.  Two children, a 2-year old baby and a 16 year old girl were murdered over the weekend.  The baby was an Arab child and he was killed Thursday night when terrorists burned down his family home, killing the baby and seriously injuring other family … Read more


1) Donor Relations Associate CFOIC Heartland work ethics: I     Integrity– A person of your word, highly trusted S     Standards– Treat others as you would want to be treated R     Respect– Respect the Jewish people and their faith A     Attitude– Consistently display a positive, can-do attitude E     Excellence– Committed to quality … Read more