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Liebe Freunde, Einige Freunde von mir kehrten kürzlich von einer Reise nach Polen zurück, wo sie das jüdische Leben vor dem Holocaust sowie die Schrecken des Holocaust selbst erkundeten. Sie besuchten die Stätten jüdischer Gemeinden, die jahrhundertelang gediehen waren und einige der größten Rabbiner Europas hervorbrachten. Sie besuchten die Stätten der Ghettos während des Holocaust. … Read more


Beste vrienden, Een aantal vrienden van mij zijn onlangs teruggekeerd van een reis naar Polen, waar ze het Joodse leven verkenden voor de Holocaust en de verschrikkingen van de Holocaust zelf. Ze bezochten de plaatsen van Joodse gemeenschappen die daar eeuwenlang hadden gebloeid en die enkele van de grootste rabbijnen in Europa hadden voortgebracht. Ze bezochten de plekken … Read more

The Stuff Dreams are Made Of

Israeli Breakfast

Don’t come to Israel just for the food – the Bible will come alive for you in Israel and I must say that is a far more important reason to come than the food.  But I have to admit – food runs a close second!

Man and God in the Month of Elul

meira and shlomo weber

The last month of the Jewish year, called Elul in Hebrew, is upon us. As the last month of the year, and the last month before the High Holidays, Elul is a time of self-reflection, a time to look inward and take mental stock of the year.

A Time to Strengthen Relationships

September has always been a month of new beginnings for me.  When I was a child, school began the first week of September, usually 2 days after the American holiday of Labor Day.  When I was in university, classes began that day as well.  In Israel, school begins on the 1st of September and for … Read more

Why Visit Israel?

Feeling the presence of God in the Land of Israel is something that defies logic. God said that it was His Holy Mountain, and it is still His Holy Mountain.  My personal belief is that if God hadn’t chosen Israel, we would never hear of this tiny strip of land on the coast of the Mediterranean!  It wouldn’t be fought over, it wouldn’t be contested, and it would never make front page news. And yet it is.  An area that is 50 miles wide and 200 miles long is in the news every single day!


Beste vrienden, Ik ben zojuist teruggekeerd van een twee-weekse reis in de Verenigde Staten. Ik ben mijn bezoek begonnen met het bijwonen van de jaarlijkse CUFI conferentie in Washington, die ik al jaren achtereen bezoek. Het is altijd weer heel bijzonder om hier bij te zijn: een samenkomst van christenen uit heel de VS, die … Read more

Rebuilding in the Wake of Destruction

Perhaps we are the generation who will, finally, put an end to anti-Semitism, to hatred within the Jewish people, to intolerance and bigotry.  Perhaps we will be the ones leading by example, teaching others how to counteract baseless hatred and come together in love. Perhaps we will be the ones to build the Third and final Temple.  Perhaps we can bring an end to the loss. Perhaps.


[:en]Through CFOIC Heartland, you have the opportunity to express your support for that message in a way that other Christian Zionist organizations cannot give you.  By supporting the work of CFOIC Heartland you are directly supporting the needs of the people of Judea and Samaria, and you are expressing support for the idea of Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria.  When you financially support a project in Judea and Samaria, or you join one of our tours, or connect your tour with our Judea and Samaria visits, or bring a speaker from Israel to share their heart, you are physically standing with us in Judea and Samaria.[:]

Connecting Generations to the Bible

This week is one of the most enjoyable weeks of the year for me.  Each year, thousands gather in Gush Etzion, at the Herzog College in Alon Shvut, for a 5 day Bible Seminar. Herzog is a religious college which began as a Bible School and then expanded to include a full range of academic … Read more