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In Memory of Ted Beckett

Ted Beckett

Ted was a big man. He towered above most of the people he met in Israel and his booming voice often dominated the conversation. He loved Israel because he loved G-d and he was determined to follow G-d’s direction and do everything he could to help Israel.


Liebe Freunde,  Wir haben soeben die Herbstfestzeit abgeschlossen, die im Allgemeinen eine Zeit der spirituellen Stärkung und des Familienzusammenhalts ist. Es war wie immer eine Zeit der Besinnung und des Jubels, aber es war diesmal anders wegen der Einschränkungen und der sozialen Distanzierung, die heutzutage alles durchdringen. Wir beteten in kleinen Gruppen statt in den … Read more


Beste vrienden,  We hebben net de Najaarsfeesten achter de rug, over het algemeen een tijd van spirituele verdieping en het versterken van de familieband.  Het was een tijd van bezinning en vreugde zoals altijd, maar het was vreemd genoeg anders vanwege de beperkingen en de sociale afstand die alles bepalen deze dagen.  We baden in … Read more

What made Caleb different?

2017 CFOIC Tour in Hebron

So whatever situation you are facing today, know that your God is bigger than any giant you are facing, any mountain standing in front of you. I have often heard it said: “Don’t talk to God about how big your mountain is; talk to your mountain about how big your God is.” So I have to ask myself, what made Caleb different? Why didn’t he go with the majority? Why did he see the situation differently than the others?

In Memory of my Father: Joseph Oster זצ״ל

My father was a committed Jew and very active in the Jewish community of Cleveland before moving to Israel more than a decade ago. When we were children, he supported the local Bnei Akiva religious Zionist youth group, ensuring that his children and all our friends had quality activities and meaningful Jewish experiences. He was active in the synagogue, the Jewish school, the Jewish federation. He loved Israel and was always there, ready to help, whenever Israel faced a crisis.

Losing a Loved One

Death is a natural part of life – everyone will experience the loss of a loved one and will grieve in a personal and profound way. But every culture and faith has created their own ways to help deal with the grief and the loss. Judaism has a unique set of customs surrounding death, burial and mourning that reflect a profound wisdom with regard to human needs as well as a theology of the everlasting.


Liebe Freunde, Vor einigen Wochen wurde eine kleine Gemeinde in den Hebronbergen, südlich des biblischen Hebron, kurz vor dem Schabbat evakuiert. Palästinensische Araber aus einem Nachbardorf steckten die Büsche und wilden Gräser am Rande der Ortschaft in Brand, und das Feuer breitete sich schnell aus. Die Häuser am Rande der Ortschaft waren in großer Gefahr, … Read more


Beste vriende, Een paar weken geleden werd een kleine gemeenschap in de Heuvels van Hebron, net ten zuiden van het Bijbelse Hebron, vlak voor Sabbat geëvacueerd. Palestijnse Arabieren uit een naburig dorp staken de struiken en wilde grassen aan de rand van de gemeenschap in brand en het vuur verspreidde zich snel. De huizen aan … Read more

Shabbat Succot

This week we celebrate one of my favorite holidays… Succot, the Feast of Tabernacles. It is quite remarkable that the Torah readings discuss sacrifices brought to the Temple thousands of years ago.