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Fighting Global Terrorism

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett traveled to the US last week for his first meeting with US President Joe Biden. Speculation abounded as to what the atmosphere and outcome of the meeting would be. Bennett and his team had already landed in the US and Bennett had already met with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken when news broke of the terrible terrorist attack at the Kabul airport, killing dozens of people including 13 US marines. As the tragedy unfolded, the Biden-Bennett meeting was postponed to the next day.

Elul-The King is in the Field

The month of Elul is the 6th month of the Jewish year and the month that immediately precedes the month of Tishrei, when the Bible commands us to celebrate a variety of holidays: Rosh HaShana (the Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) and Succot (the Feast of Tabernacles). Yet, the month of … Read more


Is Tithing Biblical? Both Jews and Christians tithe but do they understand the word in the same way? What does the Bible have to say about tithing? And what does tithing have to do with the Temple, the church, or with charity?  Sondra Oster Baras, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted her life to reaching … Read more


Sicherheit ist nicht das einzige Bedürfnis in Judäa und Samaria! Liebe Freunde, Die Sicherheitsprobleme der Gemeinden in Judäa und Samaria, haben etwas sehr Beein-druckendes. Umgeben von feindlich gesinnten arabischen Dörfern, oft nur durch einen fadenscheinigen Zaun und minimales Sicherheitspersonal mit minderwertiger Ausrüstung geschützt, riskieren die Menschen in diesen Gemeinden oft ihr Leben, um ihr biblisches … Read more

Community at a Glance: Bet Yatir

This is the series you have been waiting for – the chance to visit communities in Judea and Samaria, from the comfort of your home, and catch a glimpse of life in each and every community!


Hoe gaat het met de senioren na COVID Beste vrienden, Ik heb een week doorgebracht bij de jaarlijkse Bijbelseminars in Gush Etzion.  Dit is meestal een verbazingwekkend evenement met duizenden mannen en vrouwen van alle leeftijden, van tieners tot senioren van 80 en zelfs 90 jaar, die uit het hele land komen om de Bijbel te … Read more


Wie geht es den Senioren nach COVID? Liebe Freunde, Vor kurzem verbrachte ich eine Woche bei den jährlichen Bibelseminaren in Gush Etzion. Das ist normalerweise ein erstaunliches Ereignis, mit Tausenden von Männern und Frauen jeden Alters, von Teenagern bis zu Senioren in ihren 90ern, die aus dem ganzen Land kommen, um mit den besten Bibellehrern … Read more

Nahala (Inheritance) – Summer 2021

Raising the Next generation of pioneers Shima is a small, relatively isolated community in the Hebron Hills, where core values of “love thy neighbor” and commitment to reviving the Jewish presence in Biblical Israel run deep. They have passed these values to the next generation, raising their children to be responsible and contributing members of … Read more

A Visit With Shmuel: Tene Omarim

Join me now, as I enter Tene Omarim… I was inspired by the natural beauty and the people, during my recent visit to Tene Omarim. An isolated community located in the Southern Hebron Hills, Tene Omarim is surrounded by breathtaking, serene desert views that have served as the backdrop to many Biblical stories. In 1984, … Read more


Beste vrienden, Terwijl ik deze brief schrijf, is net de nieuwe regering beëdigd en voor het eerst in 12 jaar is Binyamin Netanyahu niet de premier.  Er zijn velen in het land die er blij mee zijn, aangezien Netanyahu veel vijanden heeft gemaakt. En de belangrijkste van die vijanden zijn afkomstig uit de gelederen van de … Read more