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A Visit With Shmuel: Givat Hanan

Givat Hanan represents the pioneering spirit in Judea and Samaria. Two years ago, in response to the increasing number of Arabs encroaching on Jewish land in the area, eleven young families, dedicated to protecting the Jewish claim to the land of their ancestors established a new neighborhood of Sussya.

Exploring the Spiritual Lessons of the Fruits of Israel

Tu B’Shvat celebration – the 15th day in the Hebrew month of Shvat – is referred to as the “new year for the trees.” Although not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, Tu B’Shvat has come to represent our connection to the Land of Israel.

Reflections on a New Year, a New Baby and COVID

This is a day for celebration. Or as King David put it in Psalms: “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). This morning, my newest grandson, my 10th grandchild, will have his circumcision ceremony. And while this is my 9th grandson undergoing circumcision, following 4 sons who experienced the same ceremony, this time it is all quite different. And wonderful all in its own way.


Op zoek naar achteraf We zijn zojuist aan een nieuw jaar begonnen en, zoals altijd in deze tijd van het jaar, vind ik het moeilij k te geloven dat er alweer een jaar voorbij is. Ik herinner me nog alsof het gisteren was toen de hele wereld in paniek was over de naderende 21e eeuw. … Read more


Wir beginnen ein neues Jahr Liebe Freunde, Wir haben gerade ein neues Jahr begonnen, und wie immer zu dieser Zeit fällt es mir schwer zu glauben, dass schon wieder ein Jahr vergangen ist. Ich erinnere mich, als wäre es gestern gewesen, als die ganze Welt in Panik war wegen des herannahenden 21. Jahrhunderts. Der Hype … Read more

Nahala (Inheritance) -Winter 2022

We are at the start of a new year, a year that we pray will be free of illness, a year of new beginnings. And while we have yearned to return to normal, we know that there will be a new normal. But some things never change. In each edition of Nahala, we introduce you to Christian and Jewish individuals who have done amazing things for Israel, often despite terrible hardships. And this edition is no different!

Community at a Glance: Kfar Adumim

This is the series you have been waiting for – the chance to visit communities in Judea and Samaria, from the comfort of your home, and catch a glimpse of life in each and every community!

Tekoa Thanks You

The people of Tekoa have prepared a special short video for you to thank you for your generous support for their community over the years. Thanks to you and other generous CFOIC Heartland donors, we have been able to assist Tekoa with vital security needs, as well as educational and cultural programs.

A Visit With Shmuel: Eshkolot

This is my first visit to Eshkolot in many years and it has grown in leaps and bounds. Of course, I would prefer to take you to Eshkolot in person and introduce you to these dedicated, wonderful pioneers. But until then, join me for this virtual tour and get a sense of this inspiring community in the Hebron Hills.