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                                                     Een nieuw schooljaar  September is aangebroken en de kinderen zijn allemaal weer naar school. In Israël beslaan de schoolvakanties de maanden juli en augustus, dus op 1 september gaat … Read more


                                                                            Ein neues Schuljahr Liebe Freunde, Der September ist da, und die Kinder gehen wieder in die Schule. … Read more

Community at a Glance: Mechola

This is the series you have been waiting for – the chance to visit communities in Judea and Samaria, from the comfort of your home, and catch a glimpse of life in each and every community!

Nahala (Inheritance) -Summer 2022

We are at the start of a new year, a year that we pray will be free of illness, a year of new beginnings. And while we have yearned to return to normal, we know that there will be a new normal. But some things never change. In each edition of Nahala, we introduce you to Christian and Jewish individuals who have done amazing things for Israel, often despite terrible hardships. And this edition is no different!

Va’etchanan (And I Beseeched) Deuteronomy 3:23 – 7:11

The Torah portion is uplifting as well. For in this week’s portion, we read the Ten Commandments, as repeated by Moses in Deuteronomy. For this section of the Torah reading the entire congregation stands, as if to relive that incredible experience at Mt. Sinaiso many centuries ago.

A Visit With Shmuel: Otniel

The people of Otniel are united in their dedication to Biblical values and Bible study, with a large number of residents working as educators in several local Bible institutions and raising the next generation of religious pioneers.


                                                  Menschen, nicht Politiker, sind entscheidend Liebe Freunde, in den Nachrichten bei uns gibt es immer sehr viele politische Themen. Normalerweise verfolge ich jede Kleinigkeit in der Politik mit Interesse. Aber … Read more

Christian Anti-Semitism

Christians all over the world to bless Israel, presents a Jewish perspective on Christian Anti-Semitism. Tommy Waller, a Christian Zionist, explains how he gradually became aware of this terrible history and relates his commitment to educating Christians and creating a new relationship between Christians and Jews.

An Amazing Bible Study Experience

It is 7 in the morning and the temperature is fabulous — the only time of the day that I can say that. As I sit outside on my porch, just outside my kitchen, I can hear the birds waking to their day with their pleasant chirping. I am usually not up and about at this time of day — definitely a night owl—but this morning, like the other mornings this week, I am out early. I will leave soon for Gush Etzion, a drive of one and a half hours, to participate in the annual Bible Seminars, a highlight of my year!

Masei (Travels) Numbers 33:1 – 36:13

Recognizing and Limiting Revenge Chapter 35 details the rules of cities of refuge that are established throughout the Land of Israel, three on the eastern side of the Jordan and three on the western side.  Only one who kills someone by accident is entitled to seek refuge in such a city.  If someone has intentionally … Read more