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A Terrible Dilemma

It is a dilemma, a terrible dilemma that hangs over us all. There are still 134 hostages held by the savage, Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

Tezave (You Shall Command) – Exodus 27:20 – 30:10

Welcome to the ordinary days of life around the tabernacle. This portion conveys the importance of consistency. Serving G-d, maintaining relationships, or developing a new habit all must be built on a foundation of consistency. Join Shmuel to learn about the daily sacrifices in the Tabernacle, true love, and consistency.

A Thank You from our Communities

After Hamas’s October 7 assault on Israel, communities across Judea and Samaria felt especially vulnerable. These communities turned to their Christian friends for help. Thanks to your generous donations, the following communities received vital equipment!

Mishpatim (Laws) – Exodus 21:1 – 24:18

After the adventures of Genesis and the highs of Mt Sinai, portion Mishpatim leads us to lists of detailed, often boring laws. Why is this? Why does the Torah jump from the exciting to the mundane?


                                               Reflecties van een IDF-soldaat   Beste Vriend, Terwijl ik deze brief aan u schrijf, blijf ik me afvragen hoe ik, of welke Israëliër dan ook, de gevoelens en emoties die het Volk … Read more

The Hypocrisy of the International Community

At the conclusion of World War II, the world learned of the horrors that the Nazis had inflicted upon the Jewish people. For the first time in history, a nation had decided to fully exterminate another people, to eradicate the Jewish people from the face of the earth.