Kracht vinden door tragedies Het terrorisme neemt toe. We kunnen de terroristische aanslagen niet langer afdoen als … Read more
Kracht vinden door tragedies Het terrorisme neemt toe. We kunnen de terroristische aanslagen niet langer afdoen als … Read more
Stärke durch Tragödie finden Liebe Freunde, Der Terrorismus ist auf dem Vormarsch. Wir können … Read more
Karnei Shomron is determined to help the families of children with a variety of special
needs, those dealing with intense grief, learning disabilities and other emotional
challenges. Investing in these children and their families will enable them to reach their
full potential and find joy in their lives.
The thrust of the chapter is the expectation of holiness in our dealings with our fellow man. For it is through our relationships with our fellow human beings, through acts of compassion and charity, that we can indeed become holy
Today is Israel’s Memorial Day for our fallen soldiers and terror victims. It is a difficult day for all of us but particularly difficult for those who have lost loved ones. Their loss permeates their lives each and every day, but one day each year, the entire nation mourns with them.
Sondra, Tommy, and Kim all discuss their feelings about the Holocaust. Sondra shares personal stories from her family.
G-d does not treat gossip lightly. As men and women, created in His image, we are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves and to treat everyone with respect. This includes not maligning them, even in a light, gossipy way.
One of the most tragic events in the Bible takes place in this week’s reading. Leviticus 10 begins with the story of the death of Nadav and Avihu, who brought a “strange fire” before G-d. It is not clear exactly what Nadav and Avihu did that angered G-d.
This month, I visited the community of Ofra, one of the original Jewish communities in Samaria. What began as a workers camp grew into the first modern Jewish community north of Jerusalem.
The Heart of Benjamin program, in Ofra, caters to families residing in the Benjamin region, providing resources for severely disabled children and their families, and helping them navigate a myriad of educational and social challenges. During the week before Passover the program operates camps for the severely disabled children, providing structure, and a memorable camp experience.