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Year: 2023


                                                                         Shmuels Vision für CFOIC Heartland   Liebe Freunde, “Sei mutig und stark!” Diese Worte, die Gott zu Josua spricht, … Read more

Ha’azinu (Listen) – Deuteronomy 32:1 – 32:52

This week we read the Song of Moses, one of Moses’ final speeches to the Children of Israel before his death. The only other words Moses speaks to the nation after this are the words of blessing in Deuteronomy Chapter 33

A Visit With Shmuel: A Terror Update from Judea & Samaria

Usually, we post a video about life in a particular community in Judea and Samaria, but we cannot do so this time. Unfortunately, over the last couple of months, our lives have been in danger on a consistent basis as we have sustained countless terror attacks all over the Biblical Heartland.

Nitzavim/Vayelech (Standing/And He [Moses] Went) Deuteronomy 29:9 – 31:30

This week’s portion includes Moses’ last speech to the nation before the final poem that is Chapter 32 and the blessings in Chapter 33. Chapter 30 is often referred to as the “Return” chapter, including, as it does, references to both a physical and spiritual return to God and the Land of Israel.


                                  Shmuel’s visie voor CFOIC Heartland         “Wees sterk en moedig!” Deze woorden, gesproken door God tot Jozua, worden drie keer herhaald in het eerste hoofdstuk van het boek en terecht. Kun je je voorstellen wat … Read more

Ki Tavo (When You Will Come) – Deuteronomy 26:1 – 29:8

There is a common joke among Jews that summarizes all of our Jewish holidays in one sentence: They tried to kill us, G-d saved us, let’s eat. It doesn’t quite apply to every holiday, but certainly Passover, Purim and Hanukkah fit the bill. And the statement certainly tells us a great deal about Jewish culture.

Judea & Samaria Are Under Attack!

On the Eve of the Jewish New Year in 2000, the Second Intifada began. Israel was then still in Gaza and the first shot fired was that of a Palestinian policeman who murdered the IDF soldier who was patrolling with him. What was supposed to be a relationship of trust between the PA and Israel to stop terrorism, quickly became war.

Nahala (Inheritance) -Fall 2023

I feel truly privileged to be leading
such an important organization, and
especially when I consider the wonderful partners that we have been working with over the years, such as the two individuals featured in this newsletter.