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Year: 2023

Thank You for Standing with Us

To say that 2023 has been a challenging year would be an understatement. We, the staff of CFOIC Heartland are so grateful to you, our supporters and friends! Thank you for standing with Israel.

Toldot (Descendants) – Genesis 25:19 – 28:9

It’s time for portion Vayera. Did Abraham understand the essence of the Torah? Why is hospitality so important? Enjoy another episode of Shabbat Shalom with Shmuel: Torah Portions from the Heartland.

Israel Under Attack

We implore you to stand steadfastly with Israel as it exercises its right and responsibility to protect its citizens, just as any nation would in similar dire circumstances. Let us unite in unwavering solidarity with the people of Israel during these extraordinarily trying times.

Vayerah (And He Appeared) Genesis 18:1 – 22:24

It’s time for portion Vayera. Did Abraham understand the essence of the Torah? Why is hospitality so important? Enjoy another episode of Shabbat Shalom with Shmuel: Torah Portions from the Heartland.


                                  Shmuel’s visie voor CFOIC Heartland         Toen de CEO van Netflix, Reed Hastings, in een interview werd gevraagd wie de grootste rivalen van de streaminggigant waren, noemde hij geen Amazon, YouTube of traditionele zenders. Volgens … Read more

November 2023 Heartland Highlight: Tekoa Art Center

Tekoa needs your help to complete its vision of creating a vibrant contemporary art center in the Biblical Heartland. The Madeleine Greenwald Art Center provides a unique venue for local and visiting artists to create, collaborate, and share their pioneering and Israeli experiences.

It’s Us or Them

It has been more than three weeks since that horrible Shabbat of Simchat Torah, the 7th of October. A date that has become seared in our brains and in our souls.