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Achiya Hareef: Pioneering Around the Clock

Sitting at his office desk in Revava, a lovely community of 500 families situated amidst the elevated rocky landscape of Samaria, Achiya Hareef finds himself a ta loss for words in describing how he has accomplished a seemingly impossible mission. “There is no simple answer except to say that ultimately, all the work I do, … Read more

Yonatan Kuznitz: Pioneering Since Birth

Sitting at his desk late one afternoon, Yonatan Kuztiz reflected on the personal journey that ultimately led to his election this past February as the mayor of Karnei Shomron. “Ten years ago, then mayor Herzl Ben Ari told me: “You will be the mayor of this town one day,” Yonatan recalled. “And here I am.” … Read more

A Visit With Shmuel: A Terror Update from Judea & Samaria

Usually, we post a video about life in a particular community in Judea and Samaria, but we cannot do so this time. Unfortunately, over the last couple of months, our lives have been in danger on a consistent basis as we have sustained countless terror attacks all over the Biblical Heartland.

Menachem Zur: Pioneering Through Perseverance

A modern-day pioneer, Menachem Zur grew up in Beit El, located right near the site where Jacob saw a ladder reaching the Heavens with angels ascending and descending its rungs. The vision was an apparent reminder for the Hebrew Patriarch that Divine Providence would help him persevere as he left the Promised Land. Menachem can … Read more

Israel Will Prevail

This morning, Moriah, a young Jewish woman living in the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood of Jerusalem, was stabbed by an Arab terrorist as she was walking her children to school. The terrorist was a 14-year-old girl and Moriah’s neighbor. As soon as she had brazenly stabbed the young mother, the girl went off to her nearby school.

The Price of a State

Zionism runs strong in my family, as deeply connected to my identity as my family name and my devotion to Orthodox Judaism. Zionism was simple when I was growing up in the United States, because all it took to be a Zionist was to love Israel.

Meet Tzur, Head of Shaarei Tikva’s security department

By: Tessy Agassi A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to join the head of security in Shaarei Tikva, on a tour of the community. It wasn’t my first visit there — I have had family members living there for many years.  But it was the first time I was exposed to the safety … Read more

What Do You Say To A Child Whose Father Was Murdered?

We cannot change the past nor bring back the dead.  But we can encourage and strengthen the living.  We can reach out to the brave men, women and children of Judea and Samaria and give them what they need, when they need it.  I hope you will help us help them.  I hope you will continue to partner with us as we strengthen the Jewish presence in the Biblical Heartland.

The people of Tekoa are safer because of you!

The people of Tekoa gathered the strength to keep going, working, building, believing that settling the land and raising children in the Biblical heartland, with their strong values, are the best ways they can contribute to Israel’s future.

Murder is Murder is Murder

A person who takes a gun or explosives or a knife and seeks out victims whom he doesn’t know, who have not harmed him in any way, who do not threaten his safety and security, and who murders those people in cold blood — this is a horrific crime that has no place in human society. This is murder and there can be no understanding and no acceptance of this act.