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News from the Land

It’s Us or Them

It has been more than three weeks since that horrible Shabbat of Simchat Torah, the 7th of October. A date that has become seared in our brains and in our souls.

Lech Lecha (Go Forth) – Genesis 12:1 – 17:27

What does it mean to be a “searching person”? Abraham was called-but did others hear that same call? Join Shmuel to learn about Abraham’s journey and the intimate connection the Jewish people have maintained with the land of Israel through their exile and return.

Noach (Noah) Genesis 6:9 – 11:32

Welcome to a new series Shabbat Shalom from Shmuel! This week’s Torah Portion in Noach (Noah). What are the “waters of Noah”? Noah faced enormous challenges and built an ark-but did he pray for his fellow man? Discover the connection between Noah, Abraham, and the Tower of Babel on this week’s episode!

Bereisheet – Genesis 1:1 – 6:8

Welcome to a new series Shabbat Shalom from Shmuel! This week’s portion is Beresheet: In the beginning. Why does the Torah open with this story? How does this portion relate to the land of Israel? David Ben-Gurion used what to assert the Jewish right to their homeland?! All this and more in today’s episode.

Dissent and Unrest in Israel

Over the last several months, Israel has seen a massive wave of demonstrations overtake the country. The heart of the matter lies in the ongoing debate over Israel’s judicial power and the very essence of its democratic core.

Judea & Samaria Are Under Attack!

On the Eve of the Jewish New Year in 2000, the Second Intifada began. Israel was then still in Gaza and the first shot fired was that of a Palestinian policeman who murdered the IDF soldier who was patrolling with him. What was supposed to be a relationship of trust between the PA and Israel to stop terrorism, quickly became war.

Een tijd van hevige spanning

Israel is going through a very hard time. The Judicial Reform that was first introduced by the government seven months ago has created a huge storm of protest and dissension both in the Knesset and on the streets.

A Time of Terrible Tension

Israel is going through a very hard time. The Judicial Reform that was first introduced by the government seven months ago has created a huge storm of protest and dissension both in the Knesset and on the streets.