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Karnei Shomron Yeshiva High School for Boys

The Karnei Shomron Yeshiva High School for boys provides quality Biblical and regular education to boys from all over Samaria. But those with learning disabilities and emotional difficulties require special attention. This is their story. Thank you CFOIC donors without you, none of this would have happened!

In Memory of my Father: Joseph Oster זצ״ל

My father was a committed Jew and very active in the Jewish community of Cleveland before moving to Israel more than a decade ago. When we were children, he supported the local Bnei Akiva religious Zionist youth group, ensuring that his children and all our friends had quality activities and meaningful Jewish experiences. He was active in the synagogue, the Jewish school, the Jewish federation. He loved Israel and was always there, ready to help, whenever Israel faced a crisis.

Reflections while sitting on the beach

Even though summer weather continues in Israel until well into October, as August draws to a close and September begins, we mark the end of summer. Probably because school begins on the 1st of September. So last night, a few friends of mine got together to mark the end of summer by going out to the beach in Herzliya. We were five middle-aged women, at the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, sitting on blankets or beach chairs, chatting. We watched and listened to the waves crashing onto the shore, we got our feet wet in the water, and we breathed the fresh sea air.

The Thanks Belong to You!

A few weeks ago, we held our first annual CFOIC Heartland Conference of Judea and Samaria communities. This was a dream of mine for some time — to gather together in one room the representatives of all the communities we work with as well as the various mayors, to share experiences and ideas and just interact with one another.

Connecting Generations to the Bible

This week is one of the most enjoyable weeks of the year for me.  Each year, thousands gather in Gush Etzion, at the Herzog College in Alon Shvut, for a 5 day Bible Seminar. Herzog is a religious college which began as a Bible School and then expanded to include a full range of academic … Read more

Aliyah in Practice – Fulfilling Prophecy!

This is what Israel is all about. We have come from the four corners of the earth to build one nation, one country. Our enemies say the Jews should go back to Poland. But we are not from Poland, nor are we from the United States nor from Yemen. We are from the Land of Israel.

Basketball, American Navy and India

It is gratifying to read about the prime minister of India visiting Israel and about the enormous naval carrier docking in Haifa. But when young people who are being taught to love Israel from childhood come to Israel to express their love and support, people to people, there is no better gift for Israel.

Thank you for touching lives

Spring of 2017 Nothing is more painful than standing helplessly by as a child is marginalized by society—no matter the reason. We believe that all children deserve a chance to become the best version of themselves. At the end of 2016, we gave you the opportunity to make a real difference in the life of … Read more

You Are Saving Lives!

Spring 2016 This past February 72-year old Devorah Levine collapsed unconscious in her kitchen in the community of Karnei Shomron. The otherwise healthy mother of four and grandmother of twelve was the active type. Neighbors were used to seeing Devorah on her regular walks around town. What a shock this was to the people around … Read more

Only God Can Make a Tree

Spring 2013 Some of the most heartbreaking photographs of the Expulsion from Gaza, were of the families of Gush Katif kneeling in their gardens, crying, gently pulling saplings from the earth, carrying them lovingly in their hands as the soldiers led them away. These trees were replanted outside their new homes, the dirt that clung … Read more