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Hearts in the East

Before I made Aliyah, I used to hear lots of American Jews repeat the same Hebrew saying: libi b’mizrach v’anochi basof hama’arav. Translated, it means, “My heart is in the east, but I am in the west.”

From Saint Petersburg to Kedumim

Aliyah’s story begins five years before she was born. Her parents, Avital and Michael Ezer were a young newly married couple in Soviet Russia. They were respected researchers in their fields and had big plans for the future when in 1980; they submitted a request to immigrate to Israel. Their request was denied, and as was the case for all families who requested to move to Israel at that time, their application triggered government persecution.  They were targeted, interrogated and then watched by the KGB, and they lost their jobs.

Let’s Make a Difference – July 10, 2012

Yesterday was a fast day, the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, which ushers in a 3-week mourning period for the first and second temples, thousands of years ago.  Our sages have long laid the blame for the destruction of the Second Temple and the subsequent exile from the land, in the first and … Read more