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Facing the Divide

Does Passover relate to Easter?

Passover is one of the most loved and celebrated holidays in the Jewish faith. Easter is a particularly holy day for Christians as they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But are these holidays connected in any way? They always fall very close to each other on the calendar – is that a coincidence?

The Challenge of Interfaith Marriage

Sondra Oster Baras, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted her life to reaching out to Christians all over the world to bless Israel, shares a Jewish perspective on inter-faith marriage, even as Kimberly Troup, Christian Zionist director of CFOIC Heartland’s US office, and Tommy Waller, also a Christian Zionist, share their own perspectives.

Losing a Loved One

Sondra Oster Baras, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted her life to reaching out to Christians all over the world to bless Israel, provides an understanding of these Jewish customs. Sondra is joined by Kimberly Troup, Christian Zionist director of CFOIC Heartland’s US office, and Tommy Waller, also a Christian Zionist, who share common Christian customs and attitudes towards death and mourning, comparing and contrasting them with Jewish ones.

Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles

Sondra Oster Baras, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted her life to reaching out to Christians all over the world to bless Israel, explains the Jewish Sabbath (Shabbat) so that Christians can gain a better understanding of how Jews revere and observe this holy day.

The Meaning of Shabbat

Sondra Oster Baras, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted her life to reaching out to Christians all over the world to bless Israel, explains the Jewish Sabbath (Shabbat) so that Christians can gain a better understanding of how Jews revere and observe this holy day.

Have you ever wondered about Rabbinic Judaism?

Christians all over the world to bless Israel, explains Rabbinic Judaism, including an introduction to Talmud, Midrash and Jewish law, while Tommy Waller, a Christian Zionist, shares the experiences he has had in conversations with rabbis and Jewish friends during his time in Israel.

When Christians Adopt Jewish Customs

What Happens when Christians Adopt Jewish Customs? As Christians become more involved in Israel and get to know Jews and Jewish customs, some are adopting these customs. What is this all about? How do Jews view this phenomenon? Sondra Oster Baras, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted her life to reaching out to Christians all … Read more

Should Christians Evangelize Jews?

Sondra Oster Baras engages Tommy Waller, passionate Christian Zionist and founder and director of HaYovel, in a fascinating discussion on a topic that often divides Christians and Jews: Should Christians evangelize Jews and how and why do Jews respond to attempts to evangelize them in an extremely negative way?  Sondra, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted … Read more