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Eshkolot, a remote community, needs your help with two essential community projects: furnishing their new seniors center and renovating an outdoor sports court. You can honor the younger and older members of the community today! Encouraging Community Solidarity Click here for more project details Eshkolot, a remote and small community in the Hebron Hills, needs … Read more


Eshkolot desperately needs to purchase a surveillance drone and install a bomb shelter for their local synagogue. Eshkolot must ensure the safety of their families in the event of an infiltration or a missile attack. A Refuge for worshippers Click here for more project details Eshkolot desperately needs to purchase a surveillance drone and install … Read more

A Visit With Shmuel: Eshkolot

This is my first visit to Eshkolot in many years and it has grown in leaps and bounds. Of course, I would prefer to take you to Eshkolot in person and introduce you to these dedicated, wonderful pioneers. But until then, join me for this virtual tour and get a sense of this inspiring community in the Hebron Hills.