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Biblical Israel

The Day After Netanyahu

Just two months ago, I wrote about elections that took place in the US and in Israel — national elections in the US and municipal elections in Israel.  And now Israel has entered its own national elections season.  But in Israel, there is always drama surrounding elections.

Next Year in Jerusalem!

If you are one of those who have that desire to visit Israel, I encourage you to take a step of faith and follow that call.  You will never be the same!  Why or how I cannot explain, but I have witnessed it year after year.  You never read your Bible the same way again — something about seeing where your favorite Bible stories took place makes them come alive like never before.

Peace of Mind in Migdal Oz

Should there be a house fire, a car accident, or any emergency situation, the emergency personnel need to know where to go to give aid, and they need to be able to call for help. Can you imagine their frustration watching a house burn down and not being able to reach the main fire department because they can’t get a signal on their cell phone? This is exactly why Migdal Oz is asking for your help.

How I Celebrate Shavuot in Samaria

This week we celebrated Shavuot, my personal favorite holiday of the Jewish year. While the Bible references this holiday as the Festival of First Fruits, on this holiday we also commemorate receiving the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. In fact, since our exile from the Land of Israel nearly 2,000 years ago and our separation from the Biblical harvests, this aspect of the holiday has become its central theme.

Lessons from a Cellphone

We came to Samaria to reclaim our ancient heritage and settle the land that G-d gave to us, the land that G-d promised we would one day restore and rebuild.  But we didn’t come seeking war.  We came in peace, eager to get to know our Arab neighbors.  We respected their property rights and only sought to settle in the areas that had not been settled before — and there was plenty of land to go around.

Becoming a Proud Woman of Israel

Shoshana, (3rd from the left), receiving the Immigrant of Excellence award, together with her school counselor and ministers of education.

The Ofra immigrant students are extremely motivated, ready to take root in their new beloved homeland… ready to soar. With just a little help from you, we can ensure that these girls become proud young women of Israel.


A mother of one of the children just wanted to share that when she asked her son “But WHY WHY? did they come and Why did they bring you gifts??” her sons response was “JUST BECAUSE THEY LOVE US MOM!” My heart melted, it is the truth.

Who “Owns” The Land of Israel? Part 5

western wall in Jerusalem

One has to wonder what is so special about this particular place, why did God tell David to go to this specific threshing floor and make a sacrifice? We find the answer that ties everything together and shows us the master plan that God had in mind from the very beginning in 2 Chronicles 3:1 Now Solomon began to build the house of the Lord at Jerusalem

Who “Owns” the Land of Israel? Part 3

by Kimberly Troup Hebron, Shechem, Jerusalem…  What do these three cities in Israel have in common?  If you read most newspaper articles, they list them as being in the “Occupied West Bank”.  However, if you read your Bible you find detailed accounts of real estate transactions, money changing hands, when Jewish patriarchs BOUGHT these three … Read more

Hometown Celebration

In Karnei Shomron everyone gathered outside the Community Center, dressed festively in blue and white, the colors of our dear flag. Standing under the night stars, the ceremony began.