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Reflections From Israel

Esther, Mordecai and the Challenges of Exile

Esther, Mordecai and the Challenges of Exile

Each year, Jews all over the world celebrate the holiday of Purim. They celebrate the miracle of salvation as described in the Book of Esther, with special prayers in the synagogue, public readings of Esther, festive meals, gifts of sweet food packages to neighbors and friends and charity to the poor.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Yakir

I have visited Yakir many times, but this time I was blown away by how far it has come. Yakir is a well-established, cohesive, and active community located in the lush rolling hills of western Samaria.

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Valentine’s Day

Sondra Oster Baras provides a Jewish and Biblical perspective on the holiday of love, while Kimberly Troup, and Tommy Waller share some of the Christian history and current customs surrounding Valentine’s Day.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Givat Hanan

Givat Hanan represents the pioneering spirit in Judea and Samaria. Two years ago, in response to the increasing number of Arabs encroaching on Jewish land in the area, eleven young families, dedicated to protecting the Jewish claim to the land of their ancestors established a new neighborhood of Sussya.

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Tekoa Thanks You

The people of Tekoa have prepared a special short video for you to thank you for your generous support for their community over the years. Thanks to you and other generous CFOIC Heartland donors, we have been able to assist Tekoa with vital security needs, as well as educational and cultural programs.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Eshkolot

This is my first visit to Eshkolot in many years and it has grown in leaps and bounds. Of course, I would prefer to take you to Eshkolot in person and introduce you to these dedicated, wonderful pioneers. But until then, join me for this virtual tour and get a sense of this inspiring community in the Hebron Hills.

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Thanksgiving Graphic (1)

In Honor of Thanksgiving

This past year has been a difficult and challenging one in so many ways. And yet, it also offered us hope and many moments of joy and fulfillment. We would like to take this moment to thank you, our CFOIC Heartland friends and supporters, for all you have done for us this past year.

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Community at a Glance: Migdalim

This is the series you have been waiting for – the chance to visit communities in Judea and Samaria, from the comfort of your home, and catch a glimpse of life in each and every community!

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