Kedem Arava: Rebirth of a Community in the Desert
You’ve probably never heard of Kedem Arava, a small community on the northern tip of the Dead Sea. After the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, 90% of the men from Kedem Arava left their homes to defend their country!
It Is Time to Say Thank You
After a challenging year, we, the staff at CFOIC want to thank you, our supporters. Your prayers, donations, and continuous support have strengthened us and allowed us to continue our work in the Biblical Heartland. We couldn’t do it without you!
Sukkot with Sondra Baras
Chag Sameach! Enjoy this comprehensive teaching on the holiday of Sukkot.
Reminding the King: A Rosh Hashana Teaching with Shmuel Junger
After an overwhelming year, we find ourselves again at Rosh Hashanah. As Iran is launching missiles and our soldiers fight in Lebanon, it is vital to call on the King. Please join me as I explain the traditions and intricacies of Rosh Hashana.
Feeding the Hungry in Samaria: An Interview with Anat Safrir
Join CFOIC director Shmuel Junger for an interview with Anat Safrir, the head of Samaria Family Assitance. This organization is dedicated to helping Samaria residents in need.
Plato and the Prophet Jeremiah: A Tisha B’Av Teaching
Tisha B’av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, commemorating the destruction of both Temples and the suffering of the Jewish people. Delving into a conversation between the philosopher Plate and the prophet Jeremiah, Shmuel explores the question of what the Temple means and why people continue to mourn its loss.
Training Firefighters in Israel: An Interview with Timothy Wainwright
Bereaved of his wife and two daughters, all three of whom were killed in a terror attack during Passover last year, Rabbi Dee’s story is one of perseverance and resilience. Rabbi Dee provides all of us with much needed advice on how to make it through the most challenging stretches of life, particularly since October 7th.
The Feast of Weeks: An Introduction to Shavuot
In this video, Shmuel provides us with some significant insight about the holiday of Shavuot, also known as the Festival of Weeks.
A Visit With Shmuel: Yom Ha’aztmaut
In today’s video, I give you a glimpse of how some of the devout pioneers in the Biblical Heartland express their gratitude to God for the miraculous restoration, 76 years ago, of the People of Israel in the Land of Israel.
Rabbi Leo Dee
Bereaved of his wife and two daughters, all three of whom were killed in a terror attack during Passover last year, Rabbi Dee’s story is one of perseverance and resilience. Rabbi Dee provides all of us with much needed advice on how to make it through the most challenging stretches of life, particularly since October 7th.
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Shmuel hosts Adi Rabinowitz Bedein, a Holocaust educator from Tekoa, to discuss Holocaust Remembrance Day.
An Introduction to Passover
Every year CFOIC Heartland raises funds to help needy families with their Passover purchases. This year, with your gifts we were able to bless 500 families! We couldn’t have done it without help from you,