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Plant a tree in Israel

Fulfill prophecy by planting a tree in Israel! You will receive a certificate for every tree you plant. You can take part in the greening of Judea and Samaria, in the heart of Biblical Israel. Fulfill Prophecy – Plant A Tree! Click here for more project details You will receive a certificate for every $25 … Read more


 Tekoa needs your help to create a vibrant contemporary art center in the biblical heartland. Your support today will impact the inspiring community of Tekoa by fostering unity, strength, and resilience in their ancestral land. The Power of Art Click here for more project details Tekoa needs your help to complete its vision of creating … Read more

Samaria Family Assistance

The Samaria Family Assistance Program assists financially struggling families, seniors and supports families with special-needs children. Your support encourages today’s struggling pioneers and gives them hope and dignity as they continue to settle Biblical Israel. helping those who are less fortunate Click here for more project details The Samaria Family Assistance Program assists financially-struggling families … Read more

Ofra Heart of Benjamin

Heart of Benjamin needs your help to fund its Passover and summer camps for special-needs children. These camps provide love, a sense of normalcy, and fun experiences, something the children look forward to all year! Heart of Benjamin Camp Click here for more project details Heart of Benjamin, in Ofra, urgently needs funds to cover … Read more


Music can do so much for teenagers, especially those living in an isolated community in Samaria. The people of Dolev want to support and encourage their teens by creating a new music center for them. Strengthening Teens Through Music Click here for more project details Music can do so much for teenagers, especially those living … Read more

Emergency and Security

Saving Lives Every Single Day For more than 50 years, the people of Judea and Samaria have suffered from terrorist attacks. Jews were murdered on the streets of Hebron as they returned from prayers at the Tomb of the Patriarchs. Arab terrorists have blown up children at pizza shops and attacked Jews as they traveled … Read more

Children and Youth

Children and Youth Projects enable you to support the most precious resource in Judea and Samaria. The children and youth of Israel are the future of Israel. The needs are varied and include day care centers, playgrounds, youth centers and youth programs, education and special education. Indeed, you can help ensure that every child, regardless … Read more

Bet Hagai

The troubled boys who have come to the Bet Hagai Youth Village need clothes, shoes, and after-school enrichment programs. Your generous gift to the Bet Hagai Youth Village is a gift towards Israel’s future leaders. Healing Lost Boys Click here for more project details The troubled boys who have come to the Bet Hagai Youth … Read more