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Community Development

Settling the Biblical Heartland of Israel God called out to Abraham with a command that changed the world and changed the reality of the Jewish people: “Go forth to the Land that I will show you!”  (Genesis 12:1)  Ever since, the Jewish people have been walking towards the Land of Israel.  Today, Jews are walking … Read more

Disabled Children and Adults

The weakest members of society Imagine you are a young couple, expecting your first child.  From the moment you find out you are pregnant the excitement is huge and from day to day, month to month, you count the days in glorious anticipation of the happy day.  And then the baby arrives and you see … Read more

Families in Need

No child should ever go hungry Israel is a modern, developed country, with a successful economy and a high-tech industry that leads the world in innovation.  But as in so many countries, there are men and women who have difficulty integrating into the working world.  Some are only capable of menial jobs which pay very … Read more

Senior Citizens

Honoring the Pioneers of Israel Jewish children are taught from a young age to honor the elderly. “Stand up before the aged and glorify the elderly; you shall fear your God I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:32). Children are sitting in the living room with their friends, playing a board game. But when Grandma walks … Read more


The community of Ofra needs help to equip its security team with long-range radios to respond to threats and provide protection for families. With communication devices, Ofra’s responders will be able to stop violent terrorists. Equipping Heroes, Saving Lives Click here for more project details The community of Ofra desperately needs your help to equip … Read more

Rechalim Security Gate

Rechalim, a vulnerable community in Samaria, desperately needs a new security gate and a new Utility Task Vehicle to protect local families from the quickly rising security threats. Stand with the dedicated pioneers of Rechalim! Saving Lives without Delay Click here for more project details Rechalim, a vulnerable community in Samaria, desperately needs a new … Read more

Telem Emergency Medical Center

Telem, an isolated and vulnerable community in the Judean Hills, needs your help to build a regional emergency medical center. Your generosity will make a lasting impact, providing immediate medical care for pioneers in Judea! Building a lifeline in the judean hills Click here for more project details Telem, an isolated and vulnerable community in … Read more

Havot Yair

Havot Yair, a small but growing community in Samaria, needs help to expand their daycare center and build an outdoor play structure. Your donation will provide a vital resource for these children’s growth and development. Daycare for Precious Little Ones Click here for more project details Havot Yair, a small but growing community in Samaria, … Read more

Passover 2024

There is a special needs child who needs your help today! Passover is a special time for families For parents who are raising a special needs child, the pre-Passover camps are something their child looks forward to all year long.  You can support special-needs children in holiday camp activities during the week before Passover, giving … Read more

Shabbat for the Family

You can provide a Shabbat meal for a family Supporting our courageous IDF Soldiers and their families When the war began, it sent 350,000 reserve soldiers – many of whom are husbands and fathers – into battle. Imagine the impact on Israel, countless families left without a father or husband. In certain regions, like Judea … Read more