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Samaria Family Assistance

The Samaria Family Assistance Program assists financially struggling families, seniors and supports families with special-needs children. Your support encourages today’s struggling pioneers and gives them hope and dignity as they continue to settle Biblical Israel.

helping those who are less fortunate

The Samaria Family Assistance Program assists financially-struggling families and supports families with special-needs children. Their unique programs offer food vouchers, summer camp subsidies, and special activities that cater to families of special-needs children. Your support honors the original pioneers and encourages today’s struggling pioneers, giving them hope and dignity as they continue settling Biblical Israel.

Your donations provide food vouchers for needy families in Samaria which greatly improves their holidays

Your donations provide food vouchers for needy families in Samaria which greatly improves their holidays

The Samaria Family Assistance Program assists financially-struggling families and supports families with special-needs children. Their unique programs offer food vouchers, summer camp subsidies, and special activities that cater to families of special-needs children. Your support honors the original pioneers and encourages today’s struggling pioneers, giving them hope and dignity as they continue settling Biblical Israel.

Your donation today will help families in need throughout Judea and Samaria!