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Join Gideon’s Army!

We are asking you to stand with CFOIC Heartland by joining Gideon’s Army. The people of Judea and Samaria need your prayers, activism, and support. Stand with Jews  who have chosen to possess the Land! Stand with Jews in Judea and Samaria who have chosen to fulfill God’s commands to possess the Land! We are … Read more


Alon is a growing community in the Judean Desert. They need your help to expand their library building. Your donation will provide vital resources for their children, teens, and adults as they settle Biblical Israel. Nurturing a Community’s Heart & Soul Click here for more project details Alon is a growing community in the Judean … Read more


Alon desperately needs your help to purchase additional surveillance cameras to monitor its perimeter. Without your help, the community is vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Your donation today to help purchase surveillance equipment can save lives! Providing AVigilant Eye Click here for more project details Alon, a vibrant community in the Judean Desert, desperately needs your … Read more


The people of Migdalim urgently need help to protect themselves at the weakest points along the community’s perimeter. Living under daily threat highlights an urgent need for an emergency center, surveillance cameras, and emergency equipment. SupportingPioneers UnderAttack Click here for more project details The people of Migdalim urgently need your help to protect themselves at … Read more

Kochav Yaakov

Kochav Yaakov is asking you to help cover the cost of hot lunches for the needy children of their community. These pioneers need your help to ensure no child in their community will go hungry. Feeding a Hungry Child Click here for more project details Kochav Yaakov is asking you to help cover the cost … Read more

Maale Levona

Maale Levona needs to purchase an emergency generator, install sophisticated surveillance cameras, and extend its water infrastructure to protect local families from terrorist and arson attacks. Your support will ensure their safety and save lives! Saving Precious Lives Click here for more project details Maale Levona needs to purchase an emergency generator, install sophisticated surveillance … Read more

Kiryat Arba

 To ensure that children receive superior care, the Neve Avraham Child Development Center must have consultants, ongoing professional development for its staff, and proper equipment. This is an investment in the future of Biblical Israel! Caring for special needs children Click here for more project details To ensure that every child receives superior care, the … Read more

Gush Etzion

The people of Gush Etzion need your help to care for their elderly residents. Your gift today will ensure these pioneers have heat in the winter, prompt medical and dental treatments, and suitable hearing aids. Caring for senior pioneers Click here for more project details The people of Gush Etzion need your help to care … Read more


Telem needs an Emergency Headquarters where security personnel can monitor surveillance cameras and assemble during terror attacks. Your donation today will protect the people of Telem and safeguard their families. Your donation will save lives! Ready to Defend Click here for more project details Telem is vital to Biblical Israel, but it is vulnerable, being … Read more


Rechalim desperately needs to fortify its surveillance and security equipment to face  security threats. A fast-opening emergency gate, infra-red trail cameras, protective helmets, and a thermal drone will help Rechalim manage hostile attacks more efficiently. Saving Lives-Every Single Day! Click here for more project details Rechalim desperately needs to fortify its surveillance and security equipment … Read more