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Gush Etzion

The people of Gush Etzion need your help to care for their elderly residents. Your gift today will ensure these pioneers have heat in the winter, prompt medical and dental treatments, and suitable hearing aids.

Caring for senior pioneers

The people of Gush Etzion need your help to care for their elderly residents. These seniors, who helped establish the modern State of Israel, are no longer independent. They need assistance. Your gift today will ensure these pioneers in their golden years have heat in the winter, prompt medical and dental treatments, and suitable hearing aids. Your support will ensure the dignity of Judea’s original pioneers and honor their contribution to Biblical Israel.


You can help Seniors in Gush Etzion with heat in the winter, prompt medical and dental treatments, and hearing aids.

You can help Seniors in Gush Etzion with heat in the winter, prompt medical and dental treatments, and hearing aids.

The people of Gush Etzion need your help to care for their elderly residents. These seniors, who helped establish the modern State of Israel, are no longer independent. They need assistance. Your gift today will ensure these pioneers in their golden years have heat in the winter, prompt medical and dental treatments, and suitable hearing aids. Your support will ensure the dignity of Judea’s original pioneers and honor their contribution to Biblical Israel.

Your donation will bless a community like Gush Etzion. Thank you!