November 1, 2021
Dear Friend of Israel,
Winter has begun! While it is too early to know if we will have a rainy winter – something that is desperately needed in Israel, we do know that winter is always cold. And that means that for the elderly and vulnerable, heating is a serious issue. The very populations that need heating the most are often those who can least afford it. And at CFOIC Heartland, we have long made it a priority to look after our elderly population, to ensure that every senior citizen in Judea and Samaria is able to live out their golden years in comfort and in health.
In Gush Etzion, the elderly are particularly in need of assistance to pay their heating bills, as it is an area that is colder than most. Located 900 meters above sea level, the mountain communities of Judea experience cold winds; and while the stone homes are wonderful in the summer, they maximize the cold in the winter. In addition, some of the seniors live in homes that are desperately in need of repair or insulation.
The elderly of Samaria have similar needs. Needy seniors need help purchasing basic food and necessities. And the senior centers in both Judea and Samaria are struggling to ensure they can provide quality care, programming and hot meals, for their senior members.
I remember well those snow days in Cleveland when I was growing up. We couldn’t wait for school to be cancelled and out we were with our heavy coats, scarves and mittens, building snowmen and throwing snowballs at one another. But for seniors, cold is a challenge, even an enemy, and they need help facing that enemy.
I hope you will do what you can to support the needs of seniors all over Judea and Samaria, as they prepare for the winter months. Your assistance can make such a difference. Even a small gift will go a long way towards bringing a smile to the face of a senior pioneer of Israel.
May G-d bless you richly for your support and care.
Sondra Oster Baras
Director, Israel Office
Christian Friends of Israeli Communities