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Beste vrienden,  We hebben net de Najaarsfeesten achter de rug, over het algemeen een tijd van spirituele verdieping en het versterken van de familieband.  Het was een tijd van bezinning en vreugde zoals altijd, maar het was vreemd genoeg anders vanwege de beperkingen en de sociale afstand die alles bepalen deze dagen.  We baden in … Read more

What made Caleb different?

2017 CFOIC Tour in Hebron

So whatever situation you are facing today, know that your God is bigger than any giant you are facing, any mountain standing in front of you. I have often heard it said: “Don’t talk to God about how big your mountain is; talk to your mountain about how big your God is.” So I have to ask myself, what made Caleb different? Why didn’t he go with the majority? Why did he see the situation differently than the others?

In Memory of my Father: Joseph Oster זצ״ל

October 6, 2020by Sondra Baras My father passed away three weeks ago.  He was 94 years old and during his final months, he had sunk into the depths of dementia and no longer recognized me.  It had been many months since I had been able to have even the most rudimentary conversation with him.  In a … Read more

Losing a Loved One

Sondra Oster Baras, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted her life to reaching out to Christians all over the world to bless Israel, provides an understanding of these Jewish customs. Sondra is joined by Kimberly Troup, Christian Zionist director of CFOIC Heartland’s US office, and Tommy Waller, also a Christian Zionist, who share common Christian customs and attitudes towards death and mourning, comparing and contrasting them with Jewish ones.