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Virtual Visit to Argaman & Gilgal

Visit the Jordan Valley, where Sondra and Danny will bring you to a site, known as the “Footprint,” an archaeological discovery  that changed our understanding of what the word  “Gilgal” really means

Virtual Visit to Ofra

Journey through the hills of Samaria to the community of Ofra, a place of extreme historical and Biblical significance

In Memory of Ted Beckett

Ted Beckett

November 2, 2020by Sondra Baras I am often asked about the origins of CFOIC Heartland.  People are particularly intrigued at the thought of an Orthodox Jew heading up an organization called Christian Friends of Israeli Communities. I always respond that the idea was a Christian one but I launched the organization’s Israel office and turned … Read more


Liebe Freunde,  Wir haben soeben die Herbstfestzeit abgeschlossen, die im Allgemeinen eine Zeit der spirituellen Stärkung und des Familienzusammenhalts ist. Es war wie immer eine Zeit der Besinnung und des Jubels, aber es war diesmal anders wegen der Einschränkungen und der sozialen Distanzierung, die heutzutage alles durchdringen. Wir beteten in kleinen Gruppen statt in den … Read more