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ICH BIN WIEDER AUF REISEN! Liebe Freunde, Während ich diesen Brief schreibe, ist gerade eine neue Regierung vereidigt worden und zum ersten Mal seit 12 Jahren ist Benjamin Netanjahu nicht der Premierminister. Es gibt viele im Land, die sich darüber freuen, denn Netanjahu hat sich viele Feinde gemacht. Und die wich­tigsten dieser Feinde kommen aus … Read more

A New Hebrew Month is Upon Us

The Hebrew calendar is a lunar one and it is based on the monthly cycle of the moon rather than on the annual cycle of the sun. A solar year is 365 days and the months are merely a convenience — dividing the year into 12 roughly equal periods of time. The lunar calendar, however, is based on the renewal of the moon which happens regularly every 29 or 30 days. The lunar year, therefore, is roughly 11 days shorter than the solar year.

Facing the Apocalypse

Facing The Apocalypse Jews and Christians base their visions of the End times on Scripture and much of that Scripture comes from the Hebrew Bible, a book sacred to both Christians and Jews. Both Christians and Jews are waiting for Messiah, albeit with different visions of who Messiah is and whether he has been before. … Read more

A Visit With Shmuel: Talmon

I traveled through winding, narrow, mostly two-way roads in the rugged hills of Samaria to visit Talmon. Talmon was established in 1989 by a handful of families, committed to reviving and resettling a Jewish presence in the Biblical Heartland of Israel. Located more than an hour drive from the nearest city, Talmon has grown into … Read more