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A Visit With Shmuel: Revava

Join me now, as I enter Revava…  The fall holidays are upon us and that leaves us very little time in between the holidays. So I was particularly excited to get in a visit to Revava before the holidays began. And what a visit it was! This is a community that is totally dedicated to … Read more


Veiligheid is niet het enige dat nodig is in Judea en Samaria Beste vrienden, We hoeven niet uit te leggen hoe belangrijk het onderwerp beveiliging is waarmee de gemeenschappen in Judea en Samaria worden geconfronteerd. Omringd door vijandige Arabische dorpen, vaak alleen maar beschermd door een dunne omheining en minimaal beveiligingspersoneel met ontoereikende middelen, riskeren de … Read more

Rosh Hashanah – The Jewish New Year

The Bible commands the Israelites to sound the Shofar on the first day of the seventh month (Numbers 29). And indeed, Jews have been celebrating the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah on that day for thousands of years, a day alternately known as the Feast of Trumpets.

Fighting Global Terrorism

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett traveled to the US last week for his first meeting with US President Joe Biden. Speculation abounded as to what the atmosphere and outcome of the meeting would be. Bennett and his team had already landed in the US and Bennett had already met with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken when news broke of the terrible terrorist attack at the Kabul airport, killing dozens of people including 13 US marines. As the tragedy unfolded, the Biden-Bennett meeting was postponed to the next day.