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A Visit With Shmuel: Migdalim

I love visiting the community of Migdalim. Boasting 360° of breathtaking views of the Samarian Hills, green agricultural lands, and the Jordan Valley, Migdalim has always captured my heart. Join me in this episode, as I visit Migdalim, a vibrant, growing community in Samaria, tagged as Samaria’s Capital for Young People.


De oudere bewoners van Judea en Samaria hebben de komende winter hulp nodig. De winter is begonnen! Hoewel het nog te vroeg is om te weten of we een regenachtige winter zullen krijgen – iets wat hard nodig is in Israël, weten we wel dat de winter altijd koud is. En dat betekent dat voor … Read more

Anti-Semitism is Growing!

I just returned from the US where I had the opportunity to connect personally with so many Jewish and Christian friends of Israel and of the communities in Judea and Samaria. While I usually spend the overwhelming portion of my time amongst Christian friends, on this trip, I was able to connect with a number of Jewish friends, as well. And they shared some of their greatest fears and concerns with me. And I want to share them with you.

Keeping Kosher

What is Kosher? The word kosher is used in many ways. It has become slang for “alright” or “approved.” It is part of the label on certain types of pickles. And it is usually associated with Jews. But so few people really know what kosher is and how it connects to Scripture. Sondra Oster Baras, … Read more