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Beshalach (As He Sent) – Exodus 13:17 – 17:16

This week’s portion tells the story of the parting of the Red Sea, the culmination of the Exodus from Egypt, and includes the Song of Moses (and the shorter Song of Miriam). Grand events happen in this week’s Torah reading and it is, indeed, an awe- inspiring few chapters.

Nahala (Inheritance) -Winter 2023

We are at the start of a new year, a year that we pray will be free of illness, a year of new beginnings. And while we have yearned to return to normal, we know that there will be a new normal. But some things never change. In each edition of Nahala, we introduce you to Christian and Jewish individuals who have done amazing things for Israel, often despite terrible hardships. And this edition is no different!

Exciting Changes in 2023

I became a Zionist at the age of 13. My parents had always been Zionists in a typical American way. They loved Israel, went to every emergency meeting about Israel, and they gave generously to Israeli causes. Whatever they could do for Israel from the comfort of Cleveland, Ohio, they did.

Bo (Go) – Exodus 10:1 – 13:16

This week’s Torah portion includes the final three plagues and the beginning of the exodus. It also includes the instructions for the celebration of the Passover holiday and the procedure for the sacrifice of the lamb.