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Oktober 2011

Oktober 2011   Een vlugge blik op de meest recente gebeurtenissen in het Midden-Oosten laat zien dat de Palestijnse acties in de VN waarschijnlijk de minste problemen voor ons zijn. De zogenaamde Arabische lente, uitgebroken in de afgelopen winter, sleepte Arabische volken in Noord Afrika en het Midden Oosten mee in een roep om grotere … Read more

Reflections on Reverence

I love when my kids get to the age that they’re old enough to start learning some basic prayers and to recite the blessings before eating. It’s an awesome privilege. But it’s a challenge. After all, you’re teaching a child the joy of communicating directly with G-d on a personal level—You’re telling him that he … Read more

Reflections on Shavuot

I told myself I would start my diet after the Shavuot holiday, but it’s taken a week to finish the last few leftover pieces of cheesy lasagna and rich noodle pudding. And just last night, I took a spoon and scraped out the last few creamy crumbs of our Shavuot cheesecake from the pan in … Read more

Reflections on Getting Married

From the time Jewish children are young, it is instilled in them, through their parents, their teachers, their spiritual leaders, that one of the highest forms of service to G-d is getting married and having children. In the beginning of the Bible, when G-d finishes his miraculous Creation, He looks upon his beautiful world and … Read more