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Beste vrienden, Irving Roth overleefde Auschwitz, een dodenmars en Buchenwald als tiener-ager, en ik was onlangs bevoorrecht om een weekend met hem en zijn vrouw door te brengen. Nu is hij een lieve en grappige 90-jarige man, die zijn ervaringen deelt in de hoop de wereld een betere plek te maken en ervoor te zorgen dat … Read more

How I celebrate Christmas

I know for many who love Israel and follow the Hebraic roots of our faith, whether or not to celebrate Christmas can be a real struggle.  And I usually get some chastising notes and emails from well-meaning folks who are aghast that I allow a pagan Christmas tree in my home, when I should know better!  So I will apologize in advance if talking about Christmas or saying “Merry Christmas” is offensive to you. 

Chanukah Nights

My sisters and I returned home from school on that first night of Chanukah the year we moved, myself only nine years old, ears and nose bright red from cold. Inside the house, hand-drawn decorations crowded the walls and a fire crackled merrily in the fireplace, suffusing the living room with leaping golden warmth. The … Read more

Tragedy Hits a Young Family in Israel

Yoni and Shu are now in the hospital, sitting round the clock in the ICU with their son Ephraim, who was seriously injured in a terrible car accident Saturday night.  Ephraim’s wife Tzippy was killed instantly together with their 3-week old daughter Noam.