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News From the Land


Tragedy in Brosh HaBika – October 15, 2013

A terrible tragedy occurred on Friday.  Sraya Ofer, a 61 year old retired colonel in the Israeli Army was axed to death by Arab terrorists in his home in the Jordan Valley.  His wife Monique managed to crawl towards the highway and call for help, but it was too late for her husband.  Monique was

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Israel’s Choice – Then and Now

The news in Israel is focusing on two subjects right now: Syria and Yom Kippur.  Yom Kippur, otherwise known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year when Jews all over the world spend the day in fasting and prayer.  This year, though, marked the 40th anniversary of the Yom Kippur

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Lies and Propaganda versus Truth – June 11, 2013

I remember as a young child, when the Six Day War occurred, we heard Arab reports on the television and radio that were diametrically opposed to the reports coming out of Israel.  The Arabs boasted ongoing victory while the Jews reported ongoing defeat of their Arab enemy.  At the end of the war it became

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Calling Evil Good – May 14, 2013

I was in the US a few weeks ago, arriving in Boston just a few days after the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon and just hours after one of the terrorists had been captured.  Following the chain of events on television before leaving Israel, I was reminded of the many similar terrorist attacks that

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Remembering the Holocaust – April 9, 2013

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel.  It is a difficult day for all of us, as we remember the horrors that took place in Europe just 70 years ago.  Every Jew in Israel, and indeed all over the world, is connected to the Holocaust.  Every Ashkenazic (European origin Jewish) family lost relatives or themselves

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Support from Our Political Leaders – March 2013

A few days ago, the morning news began with two key items.  The first item was that progress had been made in negotiations to form a government and it looked as if both Yesh Atid headed by Yair Lapid and Bayit Yehudi lead by Naftali Bennett would be main coalition partners. The second item was

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Good Overcomes Evil – December 18, 2012

It is just mind-boggling.  There is no other way to describe the horrific massacre of 6 year old children and their teachers that took place in the United States this past Friday.  I can only imagine how this has ripped apart Americans and especially the residents of that quiet Connecticut town.  Here in Israel, we

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The Importance of Today – November 6, 2012

Today is a very exciting day for many people in both Israel and the US.  In the US, Americans are going to the polls to elect the next president of their country and at the time of this writing the race is too close to call.  Israelis are following that race as the President of

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The Elections – October 9, 2012

Elections are the main topic of conversation on the news these past few days – elections in Israel and elections in the US.   Just a few hours ago, Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that he was calling for early elections, to take place just after the first of the year.  Talk of elections in Israel had

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We Must Rely on G-d Alone – September 2012

  The news is filled with one major issue these days — Iran!  The centrifuges continue to spin as Iran gets closer to full nuclear capability.  The US and Europe have tried sanctions with only limited success as China and Russia continue to refuse to join in the sanctions.  Ahmedinejad continues to make bold and

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