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A Comment on the Recent Knesset Fiasco

I stayed up past midnight to watch the Knesset vote to disband itself.  And the entire time I could not believe what I was seeing.  I could not understand how it was that leaders of this country would go to elections, for the second time in less than a year, with the enormous expense to the taxpayer, and not find a way to avoid it.  What became inordinately clear is that too many politicians care more about their seats than they do about their country.


[:de]Der Sommer ist da! Die Schule wird für die Gymnasiasten Mitte Juni und für die Grundschüler Ende Juni zu Ende sein. Das Wetter hat sich bereits geändert und die Sommersonne scheint überall in Israel schon stark. Es gibt keinen Regen und keine Wolken mehr, nur viel Sommerhitze! Im Juni sind die Kinder während der Nachmittagsstunden auf den Spielplätzen und am Pool. Sobald die Schule beendet ist, sind sie den ganzen Tag draußen.[:nl]De zomer is begonnen. De leerlingen van de Middeklbare school krijgen half juni vrij en die van de basisschool moeten nog even doorwerken tot eind juni. Maar het weer is al veranderd en de zomerzon schijnt heftig overal in Israël. Geen regen meer. Geen wolken meer en een heleboel hitte. Tijdens de maand juni vinden we de kinderen buiten op de speelplaatsen en aan het einde van de middag in het zwembad. Als de school eenmaal over is, zijn ze heel de dag buiten.[:]

You Have Saved Lives in Israel Today!

saving lives in israel

Every now and then, we get to witness something truly miraculous. Recently I was able to experience one such miracle, a miracle that you, and other donors of CFOIC Heartland, directly helped to bring about. It is a story that I can’t help but share.

The Price of a State

Zionism runs strong in my family, as deeply connected to my identity as my family name and my devotion to Orthodox Judaism. Zionism was simple when I was growing up in the United States, because all it took to be a Zionist was to love Israel.

As we Remember All Those We Lost

There are two different kinds of sirens in Israel.  An urgent rising and falling sound warns of an attack and is the signal to flee to the nearest bomb shelter or safe room.  A mournful steady sound is for remembrance. 


[:de]erst vor wenigen Wochen wurde in Israel jemand getötet, der versuchte, andere Juden vor der Ermordung durch einen arabischen Terroristen zu schützen. Sein Name war Rabbi Achiad Ettinger. Er hinterlässt seine Frau Tamar und 12 Kinder.[:nl]Een paar weken geleden werd een man gedood toen hij probeerde om te voorkomen dat zijn mede-Joden werden vermoord door een Arabische terrorist. Zijn naam was Rabbi Achiad Ettinger. Hij liet een vrouw achter, Tamar en twaalf kinderen.


Beste vrienden, Dit is de periode van de grote schoonmaak. We leven nog maar een paar weken voor Pasen, het feest waarop we geen brood of andere producten eten waar gist in zit. We zorgen er zelfs voor dat er geen stukje brood in ons huis te vinden is. ‘Gedurende zeven dagen zal ongezuurd brood … Read more

This Year In Jerusalem!

What has drawn me back to have extended visits to the Land of Israel for the last 18 years when I feel it was an “accident” that I went there in the first place? The Land calls to me. The sights, sounds, and smells are imprinted on my soul.  Why?  I have no physical explanation. In the natural, there is nothing that would call us to this tiny stretch of earth.  And yet, there is something very special about this place.  There is a reason that it is called the Holy Land.

The Effect.

When Kim and Sondra invited me to join them for one of the final evenings of the CFOIC Spring 2019 tour, I hesitated. The tour was staying at a kibbutz on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, and it was a long drive up from Karnei Shomron. It would be a long night, and I was already tired. But what harm could come from a few hours of missed sleep? I’m sure I’ll gain something from it, I thought. So I went.

You need not fear the terror by night

The terrorists came on Shabbat night. Wind whispered through the quiet streets of Rechalim. The rustle of trees and the occasional hum of a passing car on the nearby highway were the only sounds in the small Samarian community.