Was können wir alle vom Sabbat lernen Liebe Freunde, Als ich kürzlich in den USA war, wurde ich eingeladen, ein Schabbatessen im Haus eines … Read more
Was können wir alle vom Sabbat lernen Liebe Freunde, Als ich kürzlich in den USA war, wurde ich eingeladen, ein Schabbatessen im Haus eines … Read more
Wat we allen kunnen leren van de Sabbat Toen ik onlangs in de VS … Read more
Each winter we celebrate the Jewish Holiday of Tu B’Shvat, the 15th day of the Biblical 11th month, known in Hebrew as Shvat. It is a time when we all go out and plant trees, setting down roots in the Land of Israel and celebrating the return of the Jewish people to our land. This year was particularly joyous as it marked the first Tu B’Shvat after the Sabbatical year, when we did not plant any trees.
G-d does not need our worship. He does not need for us to build Him a house. G-d wants us to build that house so that it can be an effective tool for us to come close to G-d. May we never lose our ability to distinguish between the medium and the ultimate goal, between the vehicles of our faith and faith itself.
One of the things that distinguishes Nofei Nechemiah from so many other communities is the fact that it was established by young people who themselves had grown up in Judea and Samaria and wanted to continue the pioneering life-style and values of their parents.
Most of this week’s Torah portion involves various civil laws which help govern a kind and generous society. The portion begins with the laws of slavery, which when compared to the norms of society in Biblical times, are particularly humane.
For years, we have been talking about the Land of Israel. It is a land holy to both Jews and Christians and people of both faiths are responding to current events in Israel from a Biblical perspective. But how do Christians and Jews each see the Land?
This week’s portion begins with Jethro’s historic visit to the Children of Israel in the desert. The story begins in Exodus Chapter 18: “And Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses’s father-in-law, heard of all that G-d did to Moses and to his nation Israel, that He brought Israel out of Egypt.”
There is an enormous amount of unrest in our country these days, coming both from within the country and from without. Just over a week ago, on Friday night, seven people were murdered outside a synagogue in Jerusalem, by an Arab terrorist resident of Jerusalem.
This week’s portion tells the story of the parting of the Red Sea, the culmination of the Exodus from Egypt, and includes the Song of Moses (and the shorter Song of Miriam). Grand events happen in this week’s Torah reading and it is, indeed, an awe- inspiring few chapters.