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Wir beginnen ein neues Jahr Liebe Freunde, Wir haben gerade ein neues Jahr begonnen, und wie immer zu dieser Zeit fällt es mir schwer zu glauben, dass schon wieder ein Jahr vergangen ist. Ich erinnere mich, als wäre es gestern gewesen, als die ganze Welt in Panik war wegen des herannahenden 21. Jahrhunderts. Der Hype … Read more

A Visit With Shmuel: Eshkolot

This is my first visit to Eshkolot in many years and it has grown in leaps and bounds. Of course, I would prefer to take you to Eshkolot in person and introduce you to these dedicated, wonderful pioneers. But until then, join me for this virtual tour and get a sense of this inspiring community in the Hebron Hills.


So viel hat sich geändert und so viel nicht Liebe Freunde, Es ist bereits Dezember 2021! Mehr als alles andere haben die vergangenen 20 Monate die Wahrheit von Gottes Wort bekräftigt: Es ist nicht gut für den Menschen, allein zu sein, und eine dreifache Schnur reißt nicht so schnell (2. Mose 2, Prediger 4). Gott … Read more

Community at a Glance: Migdalim

This is the series you have been waiting for – the chance to visit communities in Judea and Samaria, from the comfort of your home, and catch a glimpse of life in each and every community!

A Visit With Shmuel: Migdalim

I love visiting the community of Migdalim. Boasting 360° of breathtaking views of the Samarian Hills, green agricultural lands, and the Jordan Valley, Migdalim has always captured my heart. Join me in this episode, as I visit Migdalim, a vibrant, growing community in Samaria, tagged as Samaria’s Capital for Young People.

Monthly Israel Update via Zoom

Monthly Israel Update and Bible Teaching Hosted by Pam Culpitt, Australian Volunteer Representative Presented by Sondra Oster Baras, CFOIC Heartland Israel Director An Update Geared Especially to Australian and European time zones!The meeting will begin at 7 PM QLD time. Other time zones will be adjusted accordingly. Join us at 7:00 PM QLD time for … Read more

Keeping Kosher

What is Kosher? The word kosher is used in many ways. It has become slang for “alright” or “approved.” It is part of the label on certain types of pickles. And it is usually associated with Jews. But so few people really know what kosher is and how it connects to Scripture. Sondra Oster Baras, … Read more


 Ältere Menschen in Judäa und Samaria brauchen in diesem Winter Hilfe Liebe Freunde, Der Winter hat begonnen! Es ist zwar noch zu früh, um zu wissen, ob wir einen regnerischen Winter haben werden – etwas, das in Israel dringend benötigt wird –, aber wir wissen, dass der Winter immer kalt ist. Und das bedeutet, dass … Read more

Elul-The King is in the Field

The month of Elul is the 6th month of the Jewish year and the month that immediately precedes the month of Tishrei, when the Bible commands us to celebrate a variety of holidays: Rosh HaShana (the Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) and Succot (the Feast of Tabernacles). Yet, the month of … Read more

Nahala (Inheritance) – Summer 2021

Raising the Next generation of pioneers Shima is a small, relatively isolated community in the Hebron Hills, where core values of “love thy neighbor” and commitment to reviving the Jewish presence in Biblical Israel run deep. They have passed these values to the next generation, raising their children to be responsible and contributing members of … Read more