Tene Omarim is desperate to purchase a security patrol vehicle, and they need your help. This jeep will enable them to stop terrorists from infiltrating and attacking the men, women, and children of Tene Omarim.
Protecting Dedicated Pioneers

Tene Omarim is desperate to purchase a fully-equipped security patrol vehicle, and they need your help. This jeep will enable them to stop violent terrorists from infiltrating and attacking the men, women, and children of Tene Omarim. You can help protect these resilient pioneers so they can live and develop the Biblical Heartland in safety and security. Your donation today will save lives!
Your donation to help increase security patrols, will keep the children of Tene Omarim safe from terror attacks
Your donation to help increase security patrols, will keep the children of Tene Omarim safe from terror attacks
Tene Omarim is desperate to purchase a fully-equipped security patrol vehicle, and they need your help. This jeep will enable them to stop violent terrorists from infiltrating and attacking the men, women, and children of Tene Omarim. You can help protect these resilient pioneers so they can live and develop the Biblical Heartland in safety and security. Your donation today will save lives!
Your donation will protect families and save lives in a community like Tene Omarim. Thank you!