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Sondra Baras

Bible Lessons with Sondra Baras or Shmuel Junger

If you aren’t able to join us live on Facebook, we will have the recording on our Facebook page and on our YouTube channel, and here on our website, so you can watch them any time! We hope you enjoy these Bible teaching done live from Samaria, Israel with Sondra Baras.

Esther – The Purim Story

Join Sondra Baras as she shares a personal Bible Study teaching from Samaria in the heart of Biblical Israel on the book of Esther.

The True Leaders of Israel

Political leaders are not our heroes. These men and women are.  They are the ones who are making a difference in the lives of so many.  And thanks to you, our loyal supporters and friends, these heroes have been able to turn their values and dreams into action, to help the People and settle the Land of Israel.

Celebrating the Covenant of Abraham

Feast Tour Sondra Baras Sukkah

But beyond the joy that we all feel in the birth of a new baby, the Brit itself has such a special significance to us as individuals and as a people.  Some 4,000 years ago, an old man named Abraham heard the call from  G-d to leave his home and go forward to the Land of Israel.  Some years after his arrival in the land, G-d commanded him to circumcise himself as an act of covenant between him and G-d, an act of covenant that would be repeated by his descendants forever.  At the original covenant with Abraham, G-d changed Abraham’s name from Abram to Abraham.

[:en]Letter From Sondra – Sep 2018[:de]Sondra – Sep 2018[:nl]Sondra – Sep 2018[:]

[:en]For years now, as I travel and speak to Christian audiences all over the world, I encounter Christians who are excited about Judea and Samaria.  Their eyes light up when I talk about modern-day Hebron and being able to visit the actual Herodian structure built over the tombs of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, and Jacob and Leah.  They are amazed that there are current excavations going on in Biblical Shiloh where they can visit the site of the Tabernacle and learn more about the Biblical history of this special place.[:de]Dieser Sommer entlang unserer Grenze zum Gazastreifen war ein Wahnsinn. Jeden Tag haben arabische Terroristen, einschließlich Kinder und Teenager, Branddrachen und -ballone über den Zaun in die Felder, Wälder und Ortschaften im westlichen Negev geschickt. Die entstandenen Feuer haben Felder kurz vor der Ernte vernichtet und einen Schaden in Höhe von vielen Millionen Dollar verursacht. Es ist ein Wunder, dass niemand durch diese vielen Feuer getötet wurde. Wahrlich, Gott behütet uns. Von Zeit zu Zeit verstärkt die Hamas diese Angriffe mit Mörsergranaten und Raketen. Allein in zwei Tagen im August wurden 180 Raketen auf Israel abgeschossen.[:nl]Deze zomer was krankzinnig aan onze zuidelijke grens met Gaza. Elke dag, zonden Arabische terroristen, ook kinderen en tieners, brandende vliegers en ballonnen met explosieven over het hek maar onze akkers, bossen en dorpen in de westelijke Negev. Miljoenen dollars aan schade was er door branden die onze velden vernietigden die klaar stonden om geoogst te worden. Het was een wonder dat niemand gedood werd door deze branden.G-d waakt werkelijk over ons.[:]

After the Ninth of Av

Sunday was the Ninth of Av, the date on the Hebrew calendar which commemorates the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Israel.  The Second Temple was destroyed in the year 70 CE.  It was destroyed by the Romans as the final blow to Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel at that time. 

People of Faith in the Promised Land

As Christians, you share the Bible with us, but you have not shared our experiences as a nation. But it is so moving to me to meet Christians who want to understand those experiences better, who are eager to meet Jews, face to face, and hear the telling of the Exodus directly from us.  For the modern –day Exodus from Exile to the Land of Israel is truly the story of Modern-Day Israel. It is the story that can be told by Jews of faith, on the basis of faith and it is this story that never fails to grab Christians, for you too are people of faith.

Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu Under Investigation

Netanyahu has served as Israeli’s prime minister longer than any other person in our short history.  He has been at the center of enormous power and has done great things for Israel.  But 2 years ago, during the last election campaign, as hatred against him grew, I felt that it was time for him to step down.

You Can Help a Family in Need!

By: Avital Stern-Buchnick This month, we have focused on helping the neediest families in Samaria with their greatest need during the harsh winter – heat!  For years, through the Samaria Family Assistance Program, we have provided food parcels for these families, especially during the holidays.  But today, we have been asked to help them with … Read more

December 2017

Attacks like this are heartbreaking, but especially when you know it could have been prevented. With the help of modern technology, communities across Judea and Samaria are protecting their families through high-tech surveillance cameras.