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Six Day War

The True Leaders of Israel

Political leaders are not our heroes. These men and women are.  They are the ones who are making a difference in the lives of so many.  And thanks to you, our loyal supporters and friends, these heroes have been able to turn their values and dreams into action, to help the People and settle the Land of Israel.

The Miracle of the Six Day War

Even though the Six Day War happened before I was born, it shaped much of my life.  I grew up hearing stories of the miracles that took place during those short, yet brutal days of fighting.

How to make YOUR Vision come to life

We are encouraged to think about what we want to accomplish in our lives and then write it down, refer to it and continue to strive to reach those goals that we have set for ourselves.  It is a Biblical principle that once we have recorded these dreams and aspirations, something supernatural will happen to help us attain them.  You begin to see them in your mind, and then they start to come to pass in your life.

Volunteer for Israel – a Wonderful Way to Help!

The thunderous applause I received from the audience sent a clear message to the Members of Knesset, who themselves are very supportive of Judea and Samaria, that you have their back. That they have strong international support for their stand on Biblical Israel. MK Rabbi Yehuda Glick stressed, Israel should be the focus of the world, a place where everyone will recognize G-d and come to worship Him in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount. But what was probably most special about the event was how nearly everyone there, Jew, Christian and MK, expressed their ultimate gratitude to G-d for the miracles that we are witnessing in our day.

Jerusalem: 50 Years as a Unified City!

Exactly 50 years ago, in just six days, the IDF liberated all of Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights and the Jordan Valley and returned us to our historic heartland. This Jubilee year is a time of celebration, of jubilation!