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shadmot mechola

Menachem Zur: Pioneering Through Perseverance

A modern-day pioneer, Menachem Zur grew up in Beit El, located right near the site where Jacob saw a ladder reaching the Heavens with angels ascending and descending its rungs. The vision was an apparent reminder for the Hebrew Patriarch that Divine Providence would help him persevere as he left the Promised Land. Menachem can … Read more

Shadmot Mechola

The people of Shadmot Mechola must install a surveillance system to enable swift detection and effective response to hostile infiltrations. Located near a porous border and hostile Arab neighbors, they are vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Protecting a Jewish Presence in the Land Click here for more project details The people of Shadmot Mechola desperately need … Read more

A Visit With Shmuel: Shadmot Mechola

Shadmot Mechola has everything one needs to raise a family: synagogues, daycare and schools, a medical clinic, and a warm community that is more like an extended family.